Inner Nature: Bloody Colors

By Vidya Rajan, Columnist, The Times
I got some nice feedback from people who enjoyed my previous article on the similarities between eggs and seeds –two apparently disparate things which have the same function. This month, to celebrate the season of leaf color changes and the season of Halloween (or Hallowe’en), I am going to compare fall leaf colors and the colors of blood. Yes, colors of blood;...
Don’t retire, ReFire: As summer draws nigh

By Gail Suplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
As the sun sets earlier each night and the periodic crispy evenings have returned, we are reminded that the season of fall will be upon us in the blink of an eye. Did it go fast for you?
Time passes. The days, the months, the years go on. In spite of that, we often times try to hold on to the season that we’re in and the moments in that season, because,...
On Your Table: Nothing says ‘Fall’ like apple pie

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times
Nothing beats a great apple pie this time of year
Being a Midwest girl from Northeast Ohio I am particularly drawn to apples. Remember Johnny Appleseed? When we were kids my father took us and our bag of dropped apples to a cider mill nearby where our apples were popped in a bin with everyone else’s and we certainly enjoyed that pungent juice...
Super Six: Hello, Autumn

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
A week late, yes…but, I would never forget the Super Six! It’s my favorite article to write. I love the excuse to delve into the must-haves of the month. Well, MY must-haves; but, hopefully you will like them, too.
As sad as I am to see the summer fade away, fall is my favorite season. I am excited for more saturated colors, cozier fabrics, and perfecting...
Goodbye Summer: September Super Six is here!

Fall into six fun things to brighten your autumn
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Happy official end of summer / segway to fall Super Six! Hopefully, I will help to ease the pain of transition with my September picks:
Fairchild Baldwin Necklace (available at No.109Shop) : OK, these necklaces are instantaneous glamour. Run, don’t walk, to No.109 to grab your favorite color before they...
With summer dwindling, it’s time for Pumpkin Spice

I’m craving a bit of cool, crisp weather and maybe a latte
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Right now, I am writing my article on the beach feeling summertime slip through my fingers like sand. It has been a long, hot, sunny one filled with lots of great memories. But, I’m looking forward to the change in season. It’s one of the main reasons that I love to live in Chester County....
Fall is here! Celebrate with new looks

A few easy projects bring a new look to home decor
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Fall is finally here! I know this because the air is crisp, mums and pumpkins are prominently displayed in front of Giant and my resistance to a caramel coated apple is at an alltime low. I always look forward to swapping out shorts for jeans and flip flops for boots, but I also love the change in home decor....
Super Six: September is coming and it’s going to be fabulous

Tough to see summer end, but fall fashions ease the pain
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Technically, I am not supposed to be doing my Sunday Super Six until NEXT weekend, but, I have something special planned. So, I decided to jump the gun and tell you what’s on my mind as we wrap up this glorious summer season.
I must say that I am very sorry to see it go; although, I soothe myself...
Super Six: August means time for fall fashions

Back to school shopping shouldn’t be just for the kids
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Well, it’s August. How did that happen so fast? Summer is on the slow decline into autumn and, as much as I hate to see this season end, I always get excited for fall fashion. Lucky for us the annual Nordstrom sale rolls around just in time for a little “Mommy Back to School Shopping.” But...
Fall means getting back up to speed

The heat and quiet of summer begin to fade; new stormwater regs have local officials angry
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
There are few times that elicit such joy and enthusiasm. Sure, kids might get ramped up before the holidays, but we adults — well, you can see all of us with kids walking with a lighter step this week for one reason: school starts Monday!
While our kids are somewhere between...