Art Watch: Late summer offers lots of cool arts options

By Caroline Roosevelt, Guest Columnist, The Times
August tends to be one of the more languid months for art goers, however there’s plenty to see and do as the Chester County region transitions into its steady fall schedule. There have been plenty of positive shake ups including the address change of Karen D’Allairds’ Willowdale Art Academy to Union St in Kennett Square, as well as Mala Galleria...
Art Watch: August ‘First Friday’ Gallery openings and artistic fresh starts

By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
By now most everyone knows that studies have shown that having some creative outlet in your life increases longevity and personal happiness; but where to begin? This August, consider signing up for Fall classes at the many art associations in our area, or a class with private art teachers, or going back to school, or entering an art competition. The greater...
Art Watch: From discovery to sublime

By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
The big art weekend event this week is 68th Annual Chadds Ford Art Show, held at Chadds Ford Elementary School this Friday, March 24 from 7-10pm and Saturday March 25 from 10am-4pm. The Friday opening is for adults only, and is always a very fun party with donated delicious appetizers served by students and staff on cleverly made palette trays.
Art Watch: Playing games at the Art Trust

Plus, four First Friday art gallery openings
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
First Friday is always exciting as it heralds in new art shows for the month, and usually entertains us with fun, free, and friendly artist receptions that involve food, wine and lots of lively conversation. The most unusual new art show by far, very far, is the “Twister” exhibition opening at The Art Trust...
Art Watch: Three cheers for Randall Graham

First Friday events blanket the county this weekend
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
For this first week in November, there are fun First Friday November 4th art openings from Kennett Square to Wilmington, and thus the kickoff to the holiday season has officially begun.
Before getting to those exciting events, we must cheer the talents and most recent award for local Chester County artist Randall...
Art Watch: Art is everywhere in October

First Fridays kick off busy month in Chester County
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
October is a very busy month for art! It starts off with the exciting biannual “Gallery Walk” Friday October 7th from 5-9pm in West Chester where dozens of businesses downtown become mini-art galleries, and existing galleries have fun, catered openings for their newest shows. Go to the West Chester Chamber...
Art Watch: Art for the whole family

Art on The Square, Student Art Show in Kennett
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
The big news for art events this week is happening in Kennett Square with two community art shows this weekend that will delight the whole family. Art on the Square is a large annual outdoor art show and sale with over 35 participating artists and craftspeople exhibiting their work this Saturday April 30 from 10am-5pm.
Art Watch: An evening of the arts

A one-night event in Kennett Sq., Friday
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
April brings a host of wonderful new art shows to Chester County, with many openings this Friday. Openings are exciting art events full of that fresh energy that comes with the unveiling of newly orchestrated show. Artists and customers mingle and chat, and there is food, refreshments and often music to heighten the spectacle...
Art Watch: Terrific arts shows to kick off spring

New landscape exhibit opens at Brandywine River Museum
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
Spring has sprung with terrific art shows to enjoy this weekend.
The highlight of the weekend is The Radley Run Art Show on Friday March 18 6-10pm and Saturday March 19 from 10am-3pm. This show is hosted by Radley Run Country Club, located at 1100 Country Club Road in West Chester.
Jeff Schaller “How’s...
Art Watch: At new year’s looking back and ahead

While 2015 was exciting, 2016 promises even more on the local art scene
By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
If you are hanging around Kennett Square until the Mushroom drops on New Year’s Eve, swing by Mala Galleria’s opening for artist Joe Jacobs from 7-10pm December 31st. You will undoubtedly recognize Joe Jacob’s signature watercolor horse paintings, as well as many other smaller...