Super Six: March roars in like a lion

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Well, March lived up to its reputation of coming in like a lion! I feel very, very fortunate to have electricity right now. What a mess! I’m assuming that a lot of you are probably reading my article on your phone, so I am determined to make this Super Six worth your while.
My birthday also happens to fall at the end of the month…so, it’s a wishlist,...
A ‘Blush and Bashful’ Super Six for January

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Whelp. All that posturing about writing meaningful content in the new year is on hold. Because, after conferencing with friends, it seems that most people hold my fashion picks in higher regard than my opinions on life. (sigh). Am I not as profound as I think I am?
Alas, I do love the excuse to shop in the name of journalism. So, I’m kicking off 2018 (a...
Adorn Goods: a great new option for home decor

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
I love home decor every bit as much as fashion; so, when I found out about a new store on Kennett Pike in Centreville, DE I had to go check it out.
Owners Aubree Wellons and Jennifer Steiner have created the perfect atmosphere to display a unique blend of antique and contemporary items.
I’m not kidding when I say that I wanted to move in.
Fall is here! Celebrate with new looks

A few easy projects bring a new look to home decor
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Fall is finally here! I know this because the air is crisp, mums and pumpkins are prominently displayed in front of Giant and my resistance to a caramel coated apple is at an alltime low. I always look forward to swapping out shorts for jeans and flip flops for boots, but I also love the change in home decor....
How fashion can shape your home decor

Your home can — and should — reflect your sense of style
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
that you dress yourself. In fact, a soon to be released documentary entitled “Interior Motives” focuses on exactly this concept. Click here for the trailer:
Looks interesting, right? Can’t wait to check it out.
In the meantime, we are in the process of converting...