Letter: Politics column is nothing more than wishful thinking

To The Editor,
I recently read Mike McGann’s column regarding the 2016 election. Let me say first that I have generally been impressed with your political analysis, which (while having a Democrat tilt) was generally unbiased and on the mark. Any pretense of that type of balanced analysis, however, seems to have been lost in the divisiveness of this year’s election.
Case in point is your recent...
Democrats claim Roe ineligible to run; GOP blasts effort as deceptive

Candidates’ Linked In profile cited as source for questioning residency
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Eric Roe
The House Democratic Campaign Committee (HDCC) alleged Thursday that Eric Roe, a Republican endorsed write-in candidate for the 158th State House seat, is not eligible to run — saying he hasn’t met the residency requirements, while local GOP officials blasted Democrats for trying...
Chesco GOP endorses Roe in 158th race

Eric Roe
Yet another twist and turn in the race to nominate a Republican to run against Democrat Susan Rzucidlo in the 158th District: Eric Roe won the endorsement of Chester County Republican Committee members Thursday night for a write-in campaign.
Lenny Rivera, who had been the endorsed candidate, first withdrew his nomination petitions over questions of whether he signed them, when they had been...
Bentley launches write-in bid for 158th GOP nomination

Perry Bentley
Unionville’s Perry Bentley announced Tuesday that he would mount a write-in campaign for the Republican nomination for State Representative in the 158th District, just a day after Lenny Rivera ended his bid for the seat.
In a letter addressed to Chester County Republican Committee members and the voters of the 158th legislative district, Bentley announced his write-in campaign...
Letter: Disappointed in Rivera’s behavior

To The Editor,
I am writing to express my sadness and disappointment in the behavior reported in a recent article regarding Mr. Rivera who withdrew from the ballot for State Representative because of problems with his petitions, including misrepresentation before a notary.
Mr. Rivera stated that he really did not understand the process and he made this misrepresentation unknowingly. From what...
Rzucidlo announces bid for 158th seat

Susan Rzucidlo
Susan Rzucidlo officially announced her 2016 campaign for the 158th District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Thursday.
This marks Rzucidlo’s fourth bid for the seat, but the first with the seat open — long-time State Rep. Chris Ross is retiring.
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Roe to seek 158th GOP nomination

Eric M. Roe
A West Goshen man became the third Republican this week to announce they would seek the party’s nomination for the 158th District State House seat, and potentially replace the retiring State Rep. Chris Ross.
Eric Roe, currently the administrative assistant to County Commissioner Michelle Kichline, said he would seek the party’s nomination. Previously, Kennett Square attorney...
Letter: Ross should not be on 158th ballot

To The Editor:
I am writing out of concern for developments in the campaign for the 158th Legislative District of the State Legislature and in support of Susan Rzucidlo. While I find the circumstances regarding the Cuyler Walker matter sad and disturbing, the underlying facts leading to his withdrawal from the election are not here up for discussion.
However, it is exceedingly disturbing that the Republicans...
Letter: voters being disenfranchised in Chester County
To the Editor,
Cuyler Walker, the winner of the Republican primary for the 158th State House of Representatives, withdrew his name more than a month after the deadline for withdrawing had passed. He cited personal reasons. A Republican Commonwealth Court judge allowed this even though the election laws in Pennsylvania are clear on the matter. The runner up in that primary was NOT chosen by the...
Letter: Voters have a clear choice in the 158th