With 1st major snowstorm of season bearing down, PUC offers tips to be prepared

Based on the forecast and Winter Storm Watches issued by the National Weather Service, it appears a fairly major snowstorm is likely to hit Chester County on Wednesday afternoon into Thursday. The impact of the storm is expected to be felt harder in the northern portions of the county, with snow estimates in the 5 to 9 inches range at this point.
With the temperature expected to hover around the freezing...
No really, 10 easy hacks for oral health

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times
While you’ve probably seen linkbait around the Internet on “10 easy hacks to…” on everything to weight loss to dating, many of which are of dubious quality, there really are a few simple things you can do to improve your dental health (and keep your family happier and maybe save you a few bucks).
So here’s an easy...
Don’t Retire, Refire: Facing the challenges of Alzheimer’s

By Gail Suplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
To my Readers, while my articles, up to now, have been focused on keeping well, staying sharp and getting excited about this next chapter in our lives, what if we have challenges that are keeping us from fulfilling our ReFirement desires.
I am so excited to share with you information of an event in our neck of the woods that I feel you will very much appreciate...
Turnback Sunday: Confessions of a fashion addict

After four years, the fashion essential principles are the same
Editor’s Note: Four years ago, Kelly Hockenberry debuted her column in what was then only The Unionville Times. As we’ve grown, Kelly has become a popular columnist around Chester County. As a salute to her timeless wisdom, we celebrate her fourth anniversary as a columnist by re-running her first-ever column. Congratulations...
Grape to glass: relax, it’s just wine tasting

You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy a wine tasting
By Doug Zimmerman, Columnist, The Times
Tasting wine has the unfair reputation of being an intimidating, high maintenance endeavor for the inexperienced. Believe me, this does not have to be the case. Wine bars and wineries are growing in popularity, and the culture is becoming more mainstream than in the past. Don’t sweat it.
Weather that storm in style

Tips to keep yourself occupied (or sane) during a major storm, for the fashion conscious
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Catch up on magazines. Take note of the fashion commonalities. Stare critically into your closet. Rest and repeat.
Purge. Everything. Closet, garage, junk drawer. Bag it all up and put it in trashcans that will not be collected...
Staging your house to sell

Editor’s Note: pinch-hitting in this week’s Real Estate column is Katherine Kosciewicz, owner of Brandywine Staging, to discuss how to set your home up for viewing by potential buyers.
By Katherine Kosciewicz, Special to The Times
Light and bright sells, experts say.
Home staging helps houses sell for the highest price in the shortest time. Staging is all about preparing a home for sale...
A few pointers on that SAT essay

Express your real feelings, offer personal examples and keep it simple
By Heather Lobb, Special to UnionvilleTimes.com
You want me to write about what?
There aren’t many students that can say they are completely comfortable writing an essay, let alone a timed essay for which they cannot plan. So here are a few tips to scoring well on the SAT essay.
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