Super Six: Galentine’s Day edition

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Galentine’s Day is right around the corner. February 14th (in case you’re confused). It’s the national holiday where women should be showered with gifts just because they are fabulous. Conveniently, it is also the first Sunday of the month, which means it’s time for my Super Six. So ladies, print out this article and thank me on the 15th. Here we go…
Super Six: Bonus edition to kick off 2017

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a glorious holiday break. It went too fast, in my opinion. To ease the blow of being back to reality, I threw in a bonus 2 for my Super Six January edition!
Here we go…
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Super Six: Extra special holiday gift edition

Six great options for those you love
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Hooray for the holidays! The countdown to gift giving is on and I have an awesome Super Six to get you ready. Plus, I threw in one (sorta) random pick that I have been fixated on and felt compelled to share. So, without further ado…
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Super Six: October is really fun

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
October is here and it (finally) feels like fall! As much as I love summertime, this season is, by far, my favorite. Reading a good book in front of a roaring fire, making chili and watching football, or going to a fox hunt (perks of living in Unionville), autumn is a welcome change I’m ready for.
I’ve packed my Super Six with some really fun, must-have...
Goodbye Summer: September Super Six is here!

Fall into six fun things to brighten your autumn
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Happy official end of summer / segway to fall Super Six! Hopefully, I will help to ease the pain of transition with my September picks:
Fairchild Baldwin Necklace (available at No.109Shop) : OK, these necklaces are instantaneous glamour. Run, don’t walk, to No.109 to grab your favorite color before they...
Super Six: New looks, new must have products

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
With the 4th of July weekend already behind us (waaaaah!), I suppose I should hop to it and talk about my summer Super Six picks before fall fashion takes over the internet. (Psssst, it’s already happening…but, I’m ignoring it, for now). That being said, here are my latest obsessions:
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Super Six: A bit early, but awesome

Get ready for Summer with these exciting options
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
I realize that technically my Sunday Super Six isn’t due until next weekend. However, I will be surrounded by a pile of Kleenex as I attempt to draft a proper graduation post. Therefore, here are my current obsessions to kick off SUMMER 2016 (even though it still doesn’t feel like Mother Nature is holding...
May Day! Time for a new Super Six

Six great options to consider for Mothers Day
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Hey! Sorry that I missed contributing my weekly article last Sunday (did you even notice?!?…please, say yes) but my last big semester in grad school is wrapping up and I have been absolutely MISERABLE and overwhelmed. Thankfully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel (that I’m keeping my fingers crossed...
Super Six: Time to spruce up your home

Six items to freshen the look of your home for Spring
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Happy April everyone! I wanted to dedicate this Super Six to sprucing up the house for SPRING. And, by sprucing I mean buying new things…not cleaning (because there’s nothing attractive about scrubbing screens or wiping down baseboards. Yawn.) Just like the change in season demands a wardrobe overhaul,...
Something really Super: The Super Six

February’s picks for the must-have items
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Yes, I realize that it is SuperBowl Sunday (yawn) and that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner (as an aside, I am all for my sweetheart surprising me with a gift if he wants to) but this month’s Super Six isn’t consumed by either of these events. Instead, I am simply writing about the subjects on my...