156th District Q&A: Sandra Snyder

This is the third of a series of question and answer interviews focusing on candidates for State Representative. The Times did not edit, alter or in any way change the responses. We do this to give the candidates a chance for an unfiltered opportunity to make their case to our readers. As always, we welcome your input.
1. Why are you running?
Sandra Snyder
I am running because as a mother of three...
Truitt cries foul over false claims on Snyder mailer

Democrats acknowledge error on claims that State Rep. voted for gas tax hike
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The mailer in question that went out to voters in the 156th District from Democrat Sandra Snyder incorrectly claims State Rep. Dan Truit voted for the 2013 transportation bill and its resulting gasoline tax increase. Truitt voted four times against the measure.
WEST CHESTER — A State Representative’s...
The silliest of silly seasons cranks up

Playing the Walker ‘blame game’ and hijinks in the Sixth race
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
It’s just one month until election day and the gloves have come off, from dueling ads (of questionable veracity at times), protests, endorsements, temper tantrums and worst of all: the lawyers have been unleashed.
So, in other words, it’s a pretty typical October, when politics goes from...
Risk, reward in running Ross in the 158th

Let’s just say the race got a lot more complicated
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
So Cuyler Walker is out, and it appears that Chris Ross is in.
Let us set aside the circumstances for moment, as complicated and messy as they are, and look at the situation in the 158th District from a purely political standpoint.
Obviously, assuming that Ross is the choice Sunday night — and every single...
Numbers, both in polls and finance reports tell a story

While Corbett’s numbers suggest a Democratic opportunity, can they raise enough $$ to take advantage?
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Not to beat a dead horse, but there are even more bad poll numbers this week to make even the stoutest of Republicans more than a tad worried about not just the fate of Gov. Tom Corbett, but whether an electoral tsunami could hurt down-ballot candidates, but...
Democrats step up in legislative races

GOP faces opposition in all but two races in Nov. elections
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Petition season is over, and unless there are some write-in candidates, we know who will appear on the May primary ballots.
And, although I took the Democrats to task for seeming to have a shortage of candidates, they’ve managed to challenge all but two legislative races in Chester County. Yes, there shouldn’t...
Corbett faces trouble from his own party