Republicans screaming about ‘voter fraud’ know they’re lying

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Rudolph Giuliani came to Pennsylvania this week for one reason: to lie. State Sen. Doug Mastriano held a publicity event in Gettysburg — it wasn’t a hearing — for one reason: to lie. President Donald Trump continues to rant and rave on social media (and now, during press conferences), gibberish about he actually won Pennsylvania. That, too, is a...

We will remember who is backing this coup

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa This madness is not just on President Donald Trump, who continues to to make ridiculously false claims about the election. This is not about Rudolph Giuliani, who went into federal court this week, literally seeking to set aside your vote in Pennsylvania, with crazed conspiracy claims untethered from reality. Yes, they spew ridiculous conspiracy theories...

Even with overwhelming Biden win in Chesco, Democrats have concerns down ballot in coming elections

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa To be blunt: what the @#$% was that? Looking over the Chester County election results there were a couple of head scratchers — and races that defied the polling and conventional wisdom (especially mine). While Joe Biden winning Chester County by a remarkable 17 points was a bit of a surprise, he had virtually no coattails. Typically, such a blow out...

Election 2020: Biden wins Chesco, Comitta, Kane win st. Senate seats; 2 legislative races too close to call

Updated Monday, 7:30 to better reflect recount status in the 158th District. By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa It’s not just the presidential race that continues to be too close to call: a pair of Chester County state legislative races are basically too close to call — both await the last of provisional/military/foreign ballots and may well head to recounts in the coming weeks. While...

Wolf: Take a deep breath, the votes will be counted; Chesco officials gather to back complete vote count

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Despite false claims of voter fraud by President Donald Trump, ballot counting will continue in Pennsylvania and Chester County — and may not be fully complete statewide until Friday. Although Trump falsely declared victory late Tuesday, it appears that Joe Biden is increasingly likely to win a fairly close but definitive victory for the White House,...

If you haven’t voted yet, you can vote safely Tuesday if you use a little caution

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa On Tuesday, many of us will vote. Of course, here in Chester County, more than 100,000 people have returned their mail-in ballots (that number is probably low — I assume many more ballots will have shown up, maybe 40,000 more, by the time you read this — if you have a ballot, please take it to a drop off box right away). Still, it is safe to assume...

Pa. legislative Republicans show irresponsibility — again — in new COVID outbreak

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa It’s been a long year, considering it’s just been a week. I can’t list the entire magnum of chaos that happened this past week in D.C., so I’m going to focus on the ones that immediately impact voting in Pennsylvania and Chester County. Keeping it local, it looks like the Republicans in the legislature were saved from themselves when State Rep....

Op/Ed: President Trump’s Great American Comeback should make Joe Biden feel embarrassed

Erin Elmore By Erin Elmore, Special to The Times America is picking up momentum under President Trump’s bold leadership in the Great American Comeback. As President Trump upholds his reputation as the jobs President and always puts America first, the economic contrast between President Trump and Joe Biden couldn’t be clearer. Many indicators show that President Trump is swiftly rebuilding the American...

The stark truth: Sanders will lose Chester County, Pa. and nationally

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Until Saturday, the early state voters in the Democratic primary had spoken: “Four More Years of Trump!” While Joe Biden’s strong win in South Carolina gave hope to his campaign, the fact remains that he is underfunded and a strong underdog on Super Tuesday. At this point, there are no other viable candidates to take on Sen. Bernie Sanders. This fact — barring...

Iowa? New Hampshire? How about Pennsylvania being first for a change?

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times So….does anyone know the outcome of the Iowa Caucus? In truth, does it actually matter? Which leads to this point: it’s time for Iowa and, frankly, New Hampshire, to take a back seat on this first-in the nation primary/caucus crap. Truthfully, a state that often finds itself with a meaningless primary should really be first. Pennsylvania. Hey, it is where America...