Local Democrats move to endorse Harris after Biden withdrawl

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Vice President Kamala Harris Local Democrats moved quickly to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic nomination after President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he would not seek reelection. Biden offered a strong endorsement for his Vice President, Sunday. As of Monday Morning, Harris is the only announced candidate — Democrats will...

Three truths: Biden is old; Trump is old and a criminal; and Democrats stink at politics

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa This much is true: Joe Biden is really, really old. Absolutely older than I would prefer as President of the United States. He walks slow — sometimes at 60, I do, too — and stumbles over his speech at times or even loses his train of thought while speaking. He’s also been among the most effective presidents of my lifetime, which goes back to Lyndon...

Op/Ed: Social Security must not be left behind In 2024

By Becky Corbin, Special to The Times Becky Corbin. Times file photo. Presumptive presidential nominees President Biden and former President Trump have a lot of stops to make on the campaign trail, and Pennsylvania will be right at the top of their list. The Keystone State is a crucial destination for any candidate for national office, and combined with our state’s competitive Senate race, voters...

After a tough spring, Democrats look like they have momentum on this Labor Day

By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa Happy Labor Day! (Well, tomorrow, actually). As we political junkies know, Labor Day is the traditional start of the political season, so it is always with some excitement when the first ridiculous claim of the campaign season is thrown out. Back in May and April, when it looked like the sky was falling on Democrats and President Joe Biden, I suggested...

Extreme Pa. GOP mapping its own demise

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa You’ve probably heard about the old story about the dog who finally caught the car — and didn’t know what to do with it. In Pennsylvania, of late, assume legislative Republicans are the dog grabbing the rear bumper, but one who doesn’t see the reverse lights suddenly turn on. They’ve already moved to take emergency declaration power away from...

Pa. GOP elected officials bear serious blame for the attempted coup

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Sigh. Our nation’s capital is an armed camp. Our state capital is an armed camp. Peaceful this Sunday morning, so far, thankfully. Tragic, but necessary, as right-wing terrorists may be planning attacks in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals across the country because of a lie. Donald Trump did not win the presidential election. There was no significant...

No peace, love and understanding, it is time for a reckoning

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa What happened Wednesday at the U.S. Capitol had the feeling of the inevitable if you were willing to pay attention. Those of us who issued the alarm years ago were dismissed as having “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” We were ignored right up until the point where Donald Trump incited a riot and attempted a coup d’etat as Congress moved to certify the...

Hawley is a lying weasel when it comes to Pennsylvania’s election

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa New Year, same old lie. I really wanted to write something hopeful about 2021, about how it would be a better year and that maybe some of the people acting like felon-trainees in politics and the local business community would see the light and start acting like reasonable human beings again. Nope. New Year, same old @#$%. You may have seen Donald Trump’s...

Not content with taking your vote away, apparently Republicans also want you to die

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa This was going to be a column about the non-trivial issue of politicians seeking to disenfranchise millions of voters literally because they didn’t like how the election went, but COVID-19, being COVID-19, the virus pushed itself back to front and center in the headlines again Thursday. With cases spiraling — especially in the central part of the...

GOP members in Pa. legislature — again — want to throw out your vote

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa It’s been a month since Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump for the presidency — as it turns out by some seven million votes and more than 70 electoral votes, the biggest win by a challenger for the presidency since Franklin Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover in 1932. And yet, too many seem convinced that somehow state legislatures, the U.S. Supreme Court...