Forget the Ebola hype, it’s flu that kills in the U.S.

County-wide flu vaccination & prevention programs ramp-up
By Kim Chiomento, Staff Writer, The Times
Thousands of county residents have begun rolling-up their sleeves to get vaccinated and help stop the spread of the influenza virus, commonly called the flu. Some lucky eligible residents are even able to “sniff” the nasal mist vaccine version instead.
While there has been much press and focus...
Health Department: Make mosquitos unwelcome
Officials offer tips on avoiding threat of West Nile Virus
Along with warmer weather comes those pesky mosquitos – and the threat of West Nile Virus, says the Chester County Health Department.
Officials want to remind residents that the best way to control mosquitoes, which can transmit the virus to humans, is to get rid of standing water on your property. In a news release, the Health Department...
County: Jan. is Cervical Health Awareness Month

Health officials issue reminder that vaccine prevents most cervical cancers
January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, and the Chester County Health Department wants to remind women of the importance of screenings and vaccination to help prevent cervical cancer.
About 79 million Americans currently have HPV (human papillomavirus), the most common sexually transmitted infection in the US. Nearly...
Observing National Influenza Vaccination Week

County to offer free flu shots Monday at Exton library
Don’t take chances with your health, urges the county, which is offering free flu shots on Monday, Dec. 9.
In observance of National Influenza Vaccination Week (Dec. 8-14), the Chester County Health Department will offer the free vaccinations – recommended for everyone ages 6 months and older – at the Chester County Library in Exton from...
Scaring up some Halloween safety tips

County Health Department offers frighteningly good advice
To keep a scary holiday safe, the Chester County Health Department is offering the following tips:
Walk Safely
Cross the street at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.
Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross.
Put away cell phones, iPods and other distracting devices and stay focused on your surroundings,...
County offering worksite wellness program

Businesses invited to sign up for 6 months of education, screening
Since most Americans spend the majority of their waking hours at work, the Chester County Health Department is encouraging county businesses, large, medium and small, to introduce a six-month start-up Worksite Wellness program.
“Bringing wellness directly to your business has the potential to benefit both employer and employee,”...
Free children vaccines on August 22

Parents can register their children now for the free vaccine
Free vaccines will be available at the Coatesville Center for Community Health on August 22.
Free back to school vaccines for children will be provided by the Chester County Health Department on Thursday, August 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Coatesville Center for Community Health, located at 1001 E. Lincoln Highway.
All children must...
County health launches RoadMAPP Website

WEST CHESTER — The Chester County Health Department announced that the Chester County Health Assessment: RoadMAPP to Health website was launched yesterday.
This project is a collaborative effort involving many health agencies and community organizations in Chester County who will assess the health of our community, identify the major issues, and develop a Community Health Improvement Plan to address...
Birmingham mosquitoes test positive for West Nile

Five townships produce first evidence of virus in county this year, says Health Dept.
A Southern House Mosquito, one of a number of breeds of mosquitos known to carry the West Nile Virus.
Mosquitoes trapped in Birmingham Township have tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV), the Chester County Health Department reported Thursday.
Tests on mosquitoes collected in Birmingham, Schuylkill, Thornbury,...
County working to help residents beat heat

Shelters will double as cooling stations, transportation for seniors will increase
Fans for seniors who qualify will be available through the Chester County Office of Aging Services. Call 610-344-6350 for information.
In response to the excessive heat warning issued Monday by the National Weather Service – in effect through 8 p.m. on Wednesday – the Chester County Health Department and...