Avondale Mayor Susan Rzucidlo presented certificates to the borough’s high school graduates last week.
On June 1st, Avondale Borough Mayor Susan Rzucidlo presented celebratory certificates to the high school graduates residing in the Borough, congratulating them on their remarkable achievements. Mayor Rzucidlo encouraged students from Avon Grove High School and Avon Grove Charter School to live a life filled with adventure, passion, and purpose.
Addressing the graduates, Mayor Rzucidlo emphasized the importance of chasing their dreams, even in adversity. She urged them to embrace the unknown, step out of their comfort zones, and recognize that living a good story goes beyond personal achievements. It entails making a positive impact on others, being kind, compassionate, and lifting others up.
High school graduation marks the beginning of an exciting journey. Mayor Susan F. Rzucidlo congratulated the graduates, recognizing their hard work, sacrifices, and accomplishments. She believes this milestone opens the door to a world of possibilities, new opportunities, responsibilities, and rewards.
The mayor invites Avondale Borough residents who have graduated from a private school, an approved private school, or completed their IEP curriculum or GED to contact the Avondale Borough Office. Mayor Rzucidlo is also committed to creating and delivering congratulatory certificates for these individuals.
Mayor Susan Rzucidlo expressed her excitement about this significant moment in the graduates’ and their families’ lives. She feels privileged to participate in their celebration and wishes them a lifetime filled with curiosity, learning, and great stories.