Art Watch: Meghan Bergman

Some fantastical ceramic creations, plus what’s going on this week in art in Kennett Square

By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times

UTColLogoGalerCeramic artist Meghan Bergman will be showing her barnacle-inspired vases and vessels this Thursday from 4-8pm at Galer Estate Winery’s Pop up Art Show.  Meghan’s ceramics are mesmerizing combinations of organic forms applied to an open vessel.  I have three of her larger pieces, one of which greets visitors as soon as they come into my house.

Meghan says, “These are meant to be used”, so my pieces are filled with tactile art objects that I have collected over time, but you could also fill them with interestingly shaped plants like bonsai or aloe or ferns.

The fascinating textural qualities and details of her forms draw you in and make you want to touch them. They are quirky and cool, and seem to come from a world under the sea.  The more you look at them, the more you see her care and attention to each element of the forms.


Meghan Bergman

Meghan also creates wonderfully designed mugs in earthen colors, which she sells regularly at Mala Galleria in Kennett Square as well as many other local venues.


Some of Meghan Bergman’s ceramic works.

Recently the Kennett Brewing Company commissioned Meghan to do an exclusive series of mugs designed especially for them ; these mugs will be available for purchase this Fall 2014. Come to the winery this Thursday to meet the artist and see Meghan Bergman’s extraordinary ceramic sculptures face to face.

Voted the “Best Art Gallery for the Community-Minded” in 2013, Mala Galleria in Kennett Square brings interesting and beautiful new shows to the public every month. This month the work of natural realist painter Frank De Pietro  is exhibited in  Mala Galleria’s front showroom.

The gallery owner, Zvezdana Stojanovic Scott, writes that “Frank’s paintings focus on the associations and relationships we have with elements of nature. They reveal the beauty found in various cycles of life and the passage of time, in a crisp and technically sharp manner.”

From Mala, you might head South on State Street and check out the wonderful Longwood Gallery that is filled to the brim with artwork from local artists including Lore Evans glasswork, the delightfully bright and whimsical works of MaryAnn Weselyk, and pastoral Chester County scenes from a number of artists including Nan Jackson. Kennett Square is really becoming a hot spot for artist studios as well as galleries.

Carol Lesher new studio

Carol Lesher has moved to a new studio/gallery in Kennett Square, as that borough’s art scene continues to grow.

Painter Carol Lesher has moved her studio gallery to 109 South Broad Street, in the loft studio of the Holly Peter’s building. Carol says, ” I love the studio !  The space is peaceful and a great place to work in, and of course working in Holly’s building is such a great experience.”

Artist Peter Willard has moved into Carol’s former studio gallery at 105 South Broad. This is such a great location to showcase art.   Passersby have fun peeking into his gallery window and  checking out Peter’s passionate landscapes and portraits that fill up the window space.  Master Potter Charlie Metzger’s studio and shop is open to the public just around the corner on Union and State Streets. His bowls and mugs make wonderful gifts and he is also such a friendly a delightful person and terrific pottery teacher too.

Master painter Neilson Carlin’s Rilievo Studio is also down the street a bit at 128 South Willow Street. He just finished an extraordinary masterpiece commission for the Catholic church’s 2015 World Meeting of Families that was unveiled in Philadelphia in the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul this past Sunday. Neil offers classes throughout the year, and he is the most patient, best art teacher that I have ever had. He makes Realism possible for anyone by breaking it down into approachable, understandable units.  Neil can take you from drawing a stick figure to a perfect two dimensional rendering of the three-dimensional form.

For more on what’s going on in the Kennett Square, check out the listings on the Historic Kennett Square website.

Lele Galer is an artist who has chaired numerous art shows, taught art history and studio art, public art and has chaired, written and taught the Art in Action Art Appreciation series for the UCFD schools for the past 12 years. She worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and wrote for the Asociated Press in Rome.  She has been dedicated to Art History and art education for most of her adult life. Lele and her husband Brad own Galer Estate Winery in Kennett Square.

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One Comment

  1. Kim Chiomento says:

    Meghan’s creations are terrific; full of very interesting texture and design. Congrats on being featured again Meghan!