Some issues are just skin deep

You may be out of your teens, but your skin doesn’t always notice

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

I think that it is some cruel cosmic joke that I suffer from acne prone skin at age 40.  (So, I’m 41…I like saying that I’m still 40, OK?)

Let’s focus on the real problem.

I am breaking out like a 14-year-old boy.  How do I know this?  Because I HAVE a 14-year-old boy and we pretty much look like twinsies.

I feel that it is worse in the summer because of all the sweating (could it get ANY HOTTER in Pennsylvania lately?) and the religious slathering of SPF that I need to apply (so as not to further exacerbate my 40 year old wrinkles).

Basically, I am a hot mess.


  • Stop picking your face.  This is harder than it seems.  Right?  Please, tell me I’m right.  But, it is really important not to do it.  You risk scarring.  And, at a minimum, drive dirt and bacteria further into the skin creating a bigger problem.  So, leave it alone.  Walk away from the magnifying mirror!
  • Reduce your stress.  BA-hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!  GOOD LUCK, SISTERS!  Let me know if you figure this one out!  Namaste.
  • Eat healthy!  That is not to say that chocolate “causes” pimples…however, maintaining a clean, well balanced diet literally does change the appearance of your skin.  Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, too.  Proper hydration is crucial.  (And, no….cocktails don’t count)
  • Hormonal changes are a b*#ch.  I am not a doctor.  But, I’m pretty sure that since I have a window of about 4 to 5 “good” skin/mood/ won’t eat a brownie off of the floor days a month, my “cycle” may have a wee bit to do with my epidermal discontent.  Ask my husband (who is not a doctor either)…he may have insight into this.
  • Old cosmetics.  If you can’t remember the last time you bought blush or concealer, the time is now.  And, if you are too lazy to wash out your brushes, invest in the sponges at the drugstore.  Use them and toss them.  Easy.
  • Spend money on a good skin care regimen.  I love the automatic spin brushes that elevate a normal face washing into a mini facial.  Use a gentle exfoliating product to cleanse followed by a night cream containing a bit of salicylic acid to prevent breakouts.
  • Treat yourself to a microdermabrasion every once in a while.  It is a glorious indulgence and perfect for an overall boost to the complexion.

Lastly, be grateful that while you are experiencing the unfortunate breakouts of your adolescence, you don’t actually have to go back to 7th grade in a few weeks.

That’s something, huh?

Happy Weekend 🙂

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