We will remember who is backing this coup

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
This madness is not just on President Donald Trump, who continues to to make ridiculously false claims about the election. This is not about Rudolph Giuliani, who went into federal court this week, literally seeking to set aside your vote in Pennsylvania, with crazed conspiracy claims untethered from reality.
Yes, they spew ridiculous conspiracy theories...
Letter: We must defend the nation against sedition in trying to overturn election
To The Editor,
We are witnessing an attempt to subvert our election process through demagoguery and disinformation.
While we understand that in every election there are winners and losers, never before in our National history have we seen such dishonesty and blatant attempt to deceive in order to overturn the results of an election.
Now we must ask, at what point do such acts become sedition? Are the...
Trump, Pa. Republicans trying to steal an election they lost

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
In the last few days, Chester County has become famous — just maybe not in the way most of us would like.
In the fevered dreams of some, Chester County’s officials are part of a vast conspiracy to prevent Donald Trump from being reelected President. Social media is roaring — people from thousands of miles away lecture me on what happened in my home...
Wolf calls out Trump, GOP, saying they continue to be ‘irresponsible’ on COVID

Gov. Tom Wolf
In the wake of a ruling by a federal judge declaring some of his emergency orders during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Tom Wolf issued a scathing statement Tuesday, calling out President Donald Trump and Republicans in the legislature (and some of the toady business groups egging them on locally).
In a lengthy, fiery statement, Wolf called out Republicans over distorting the truth, celebrating...
Mad about the pandemic? Don’t blame Gov. Wolf

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
Don’t blame Gov. Tom Wolf.
With COVID-19 cases rising again in Pennsylvania, Wolf surgically put the brakes on — closing some bars and limiting restaurant capacity in the state this week.
Yes, for those businesses, it stinks. But such locales proved to be the nexus of infection growth since the state partially reopened.
Don’t blame Wolf. For the...
We need to have a real talk about race — and the police

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
It was a quiet night in Chester County, last night. Thankfully.
But all around America, angry protests — and yes looting, burning and violence — broke out for another night over the police killing of George Floyd, captured on video that literally made it around the world. One of the officers involved was ultimately arrested and charged with third...
Wolf’s conduct on the pipeline is impossible to explain

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
It runs like a scar across Chester County, a tear far more than a flesh wound, winding across the middle of the county as a reminder that the rich and the powerful can always buy off government at the expense of the people.
It is, of course, the Mariner East II pipeline. It is appears to be back under construction because of a waiver from the Wolf Administration deeming...
The joy (not) of paying the GOP tax

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Say what you will about Donald Trump, but a lot of what either thrills or angers folks is decades in the making. Essentially, Republicans being Republicans.
For me, personally, that means grabbing money from me and my family and cheerfully reassigning it to wealthy people and corporations. Until I recently did the math, though, I had no idea how bad those numbers were...
Republicans screaming about ‘voter fraud’ know they’re lying