Are you still a Republican? Find out whether these quotes agree with your worldview

By Rich Heiland, Columnist, The Times
Still a Republican? Still thinking about what a vote for Trump or any MAGA candidate gets you? Take a little test. See how many of these quotes really represent you.
The Supreme Court has made it more and more likely Trump will go in November without an election, so it’s more important than ever to see just what the Republican Party has become. Is it for you?
The Earth is burning and Republicans are doing nothing to put out the fire

By Rich Heiland, Columnist, The Times
IT IS HOT here in West Chester, the place we now call home. It’s not hot by the standards of our old home in East Texas where heat indexes for the past week or two, and projected into the future, are somewhere around 110. No relief in sight.
It’s not hot like it is in Vegas, or West Texas or any number of places. Our daughter checked in from Prague, where...
Democrats, Republicans announce party endorsements

The Democratic Committee and Chester County as well as the Republican Committee of Chester County held their annual nominating conventions this past week, endorsing a number of candidates for the May primary.
Democrats announced a number of endorsements.
Chairwoman Charlotte Valyo stressed the importance of the endorsement process, especially given cross-filing Republicans expected on the May...
Ignoring the will of the voters won’t end well for GOP

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
“Voters? We don’t need no stinkin’ voters.”
As it self-immolates into the dustbin of history, the Republican Party in Harrisburg and Washington, D.C. seems to really only stand for one thing: ignoring the will of the voters.
Sure, it’s bad politics and bad policy, but ignoring the will of the people seems to be just about that trick left to...
Not both sides: one party needs to up its game, the other is likely terminally broken

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
I’m sure by now you are tired of breathless media takes on what the 2021 elections mean and will mean for 2022. The truth is, though, that both parties in Chester County have issues — granted, one much, much more drastic than the other — and a lot of atmospheric issues (the economy, COVID) will probably drive results more than anything.
While the...
Op/Ed: Defunding public schools is the goal

By Lisa Longo, Special To The Times
Lisa Longo
I’ve been following the hysteria being created by right-wing media over “Critical Race Theory” and how it has now devolved into the Republican Party calling for an army of the uninformed, or misinformed, to show up at school board meetings to protest a curriculum that doesn’t exist.
Now they have told people that “CRT,” as it is being called,...
Wolf’s budget proposal is great…and dead on arrival

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
Gov. Tom Wolf introduced his 2021-22 budget, and I have to say it is audacious, ambitious and goes a long way to solve the root problems of much of what has plagued Pennsylvania for more than three decades.
It is also, sadly, deader than Elvis.
That says more about Pennsylvania and Republicans in the General Assembly than it does about Wolf. Not that...
Pa. GOP elected officials bear serious blame for the attempted coup

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
Our nation’s capital is an armed camp. Our state capital is an armed camp. Peaceful this Sunday morning, so far, thankfully.
Tragic, but necessary, as right-wing terrorists may be planning attacks in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals across the country because of a lie.
Donald Trump did not win the presidential election. There was no significant...
Hawley is a lying weasel when it comes to Pennsylvania’s election

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
New Year, same old lie.
I really wanted to write something hopeful about 2021, about how it would be a better year and that maybe some of the people acting like felon-trainees in politics and the local business community would see the light and start acting like reasonable human beings again.
Nope. New Year, same old @#$%.
You may have seen Donald Trump’s...
Letter: Silent conservatives need to speak out or death of democracy will be on you