Letter: Restoring trust in Kennett Twp. government

To The Editor,
In the May 18 Democratic primary, I am challenging the incumbent, Whitney Hoffman. The main issue for Democratic voters is which of us will be better able to win in November. From the beginning, my main contention is that Lisa Moore’s $3.2M embezzlement, which occurred on Hoffman’s watch, will make it impossible for Democrats to win if Hoffman is our candidate, so voting for me is...
Letter: It’s time forthe truth about Chrissy Houlahan

To The Editor,
Chrissy Houlahan appeared to be the perfect candidate for the 6th Congressional District of Pennsylvania in the 2018 election. In preparation for the 2020 elections, I spent August checking Houlahan’s sources and verifying Houlahan’s claims about herself.
“If you fool us once, then shame on you. If you fool us twice, then shame on us.”
Houlahan has fooled us once, so shame...
Letter: Killion is a true public servant

To The Editor:
The current political environment is toxic. We are rightfully tired of politicians. However, Senator Tom Killion stands out as an atypical public servant, an outstanding individual who cares deeply about his constituents. Sen. Killion is down to earth, a great family person who gets things done in a bipartisan manner. Tom played a key role in getting the PA Senate Bill 1108 passed...
Letter: Thankful to Houlahan for protection of local parks and open spaces

To The Editor,
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) provides funding for 98% of the Nation’s parks, from the most famous national parks like the Grand Canyon to our local parks, including Downingtown’s Struble Trail. I have been running and biking on the Struble Trail since I was a little kid, and thanks to the recent passing of the LWCF, I can be sure of continued and long lasting maintenance...
Letter: Bicyclists, runners should not wear dark colors

To The Editor,
I taught Environmental Science for 37 years, and consider myself a seasoned naturalist . My lessons on natural selection, emphasized the benefits of great camouflage for animals trying not to be seen. I also pointed out how some fauna benefit from being seen, and in these cases nature selects for bright colors. I am constantly reminded of nature’s lessons, every time I drive by...
Letter: Save CWA and the Octoraro Reservoir

To The Editor,
When I was sworn into the United States Air Force, I took an oath to defend the Nation and uphold our Constitution. As your next State Representative for District 13, I will take my oath to the Pennsylvania Constitution just as seriously. We have an environmental crisis in our own backyard, and we must take decisive steps now to protect our Pennsylvania natural resources before it is...
Letter: Pelosi’s drug pricing plan will hurt innovation and access

To the Editor:
For people living with chronic illness, daily life can be excruciatingly difficult. But if your child is the one suffering, like my daughter who has POTS, gastroparesis, and celiac disease, life is often challenging because you feel useless. No parent wants to feel like they cannot help their child.
Fortunately, our medical researchers are finding new treatments every day. Progress is...
Letter: Houlahan puts party over country on impeachment

To The Editor,
Congresswomen Chrissy Houlahan has joined all but two of her fellow Democrats by voting yes on the resolution to “formally” start an impeachment inquiry into the President of the United States.
Once again, Chrissy Houlahan has placed party over the people by blindly following Congressman Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi down the “impeachment” rabbit hole.
Letter: Energize PA is an oxymoron

To The Editor,
Energize PA, an oxymoron:
Are we really serious about combating Climate Change? Why would a bill be introduced that would perpetuate the use of fossil fuels? That’s exactly what we would be doing if the Energize PA package of bills (HB 1100) is passed by providing an $800 billion per project tax credit subsidy for any petro-chemical building project in PA for the next 30 years. It...
Letter: Voter fraud is the other ‘Big Lie’