To The Editor,
Chrissy Houlahan appeared to be the perfect candidate for the 6th Congressional District of Pennsylvania in the 2018 election. In preparation for the 2020 elections, I spent August checking Houlahan’s sources and verifying Houlahan’s claims about herself.
“If you fool us once, then shame on you. If you fool us twice, then shame on us.”
Houlahan has fooled us once, so shame on her. She ran in 2018 as a moderate. Voting 100% for Nancy Pelosi’s leftist agenda these past two years is disturbing to many of us. She describes herself as a “bad ass” freshman in Congress and she is pursuing a divisive, leftist agenda which strikes at the core of authentic American values.
Houlahan is running for reelection. Fool us twice, then shame on us.
- Houlahan is an Air Force veteran whose military career was almost exclusively as a rear-echelon project manager on big money Department of Defense contracts.
- There is no evidence that Houlahan has hands-on engineering experience. Her Stanford degree is in Industrial Engineering which is an umbrella term for systems integration. “Project manager” would be a far more accurate description. Her M. I. T. degree is in policy and social management which is far from authentic engineering.
- Seth Berger founded AND1 in 1993. In 1996, a venture capitalist joined the company’s board: Bart Houlahan. It is no surprise that Chrissy Houlahan jumped from project manager to chief operating officer. Seth, Bart, and Chrissy cashed out in 2005. AND1 went into a steep decline and was salvaged and rebuilt by others. So much for all those wonderful jobs with all the socially-conscious perks for which Houlahan often takes credit.
- Houlahan was a teaching dilettante. Her so-called teacher training was limited to a “working adult” program. Houlahan devoted a mere 10 months to the Teach for America program and then left teaching forever.
- Houlahan often mentions her leading role in founding and running B Lab. Bart Houlahan, along with his partners, Jay Coen Gilbert and Andrew Kassoy, co-founded B Lab in 2006 shortly after cashing out of AND1. The only place Chrissy Houlahan’s name is mentioned together with B Lab is on her political literature.
This November, I am voting for John Emmons for Congress.
David Hughes
Letter: It’s time forthe truth about Chrissy Houlahan
To The Editor,
“If you fool us once, then shame on you. If you fool us twice, then shame on us.”
Houlahan has fooled us once, so shame on her. She ran in 2018 as a moderate. Voting 100% for Nancy Pelosi’s leftist agenda these past two years is disturbing to many of us. She describes herself as a “bad ass” freshman in Congress and she is pursuing a divisive, leftist agenda which strikes at the core of authentic American values.
Houlahan is running for reelection. Fool us twice, then shame on us.
This November, I am voting for John Emmons for Congress.
David Hughes
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