Kennett Sq. OK’s gun violence resolution

By Eliza Mohler, Staff Writer, The Times
Kennett Square residents address Borough Council about gun control.
KENNETT SQUARE – In the wake of recent school shootings in the United States, Kennett Square Borough Council is advocating for stricter gun control legislation. At Monday night’s meeting, they voted unanimously to approve a resolution urging lawmakers to enact stronger protections against...
Andrew pushes 160th towns to adopt gun control resolutions

Anton Andrew
Anton Andrew, a candidate for the Pennsylvania State House, is taking action when our legislators have not. Andrew has sent a letter to each of the municipalities in the 160th Legislative District, calling on those municipalities to pass a resolution to promote sensible gun control legislation.
“As a citizen and a parent, my message is clear. We cannot wait. Our children cannot wait....
Fashion and gun control

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Well, it’s safe to say that the Gucci Fall 2018 Runway show was a tad bizarre this year. Creative director, Alessandro Michele, in a post show press conference, said the collection was a nod to the way people are “undergoing self-regeneration through the powers of tech, Hollywood, Instagram, and Gucci.” (see full Vogue article here
Rally supports gun background checks

Six months after the Newtown Square, Conn. massacre, local residents ask for action
By Nicole Brown, Staff Writer, The Times
A supporter of universal background checks for gun purchases holds her sign at a rally, Friday, to commemorate the six-month anniversary of the school shootings in Newtown Square, Connecticut. The event, one of many across the state was organized by Mayors Against Illegal Guns...
Letter: Don’t be fooled, Barrar doesn’t support gun control