To The Editor,
In the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida, we saw the same cycle of reaction from politicians. A lot of thoughts and prayers were offered. Some possible legislation was floated. But no real action was taken.
Representative Stephen Barrar of the 160th, however, did take action. He co-sponsored House Bill 1400, which would create universal background checks for every gun sale in Pennsylvania. “We are all taken back by this tragedy and are asking ourselves: how can this keep happening?” Barrar explained, in his statement on HB 1400.
Representative Barrar, to answer you, politicians like yourself are how this keeps happening. Over the last decade, Barrar has been staunchly against House Bill 1400 every time it’s been introduced. He’s been against any type of sensible gun policies. In that same decade, our country has experienced mass shooting after mass shooting. Of the thirty worst mass shootings to happen within modern U.S. history, 18 of them have occured within the last 10 years. This is not a new problem we’re facing. It’s an old one that only has gotten worse with time and technology.
What has changed then? Why has Representative Barrar changed his mind? It’s not because he suddenly woke up and realized that parents are sending their children to school, worried they might not see them again. It’s not because going to the movies now requires a warning before the film to report any suspicious behavior. It’s certainly not because he’s asking himself “how can this keep happening?”
It’s because he knows that the tide is changing. The citizens of the 160th district are no longer willing to accept a entrenched, right-wing politician who is unwilling to take any action to protect our children. He knows that now, more than ever, voters are fired up. He knows the next generations are tired of the thoughts and prayers. He knows his days are numbered if he continues down this path.
Do not be fooled. Stephen Barrar has not changed. He will not be a leader on this issue. He knows that HB 1400 has very little hope of leaving the committee it’s in. And he knows that November 6th is not that far away.
So go vote. And let him know you’re not fooled.
Cathy Spahr
Democratic Candidate,
160th District
Letter: Don’t be fooled, Barrar doesn’t support gun control
To The Editor,
Representative Stephen Barrar of the 160th, however, did take action. He co-sponsored House Bill 1400, which would create universal background checks for every gun sale in Pennsylvania. “We are all taken back by this tragedy and are asking ourselves: how can this keep happening?” Barrar explained, in his statement on HB 1400.
Representative Barrar, to answer you, politicians like yourself are how this keeps happening. Over the last decade, Barrar has been staunchly against House Bill 1400 every time it’s been introduced. He’s been against any type of sensible gun policies. In that same decade, our country has experienced mass shooting after mass shooting. Of the thirty worst mass shootings to happen within modern U.S. history, 18 of them have occured within the last 10 years. This is not a new problem we’re facing. It’s an old one that only has gotten worse with time and technology.
What has changed then? Why has Representative Barrar changed his mind? It’s not because he suddenly woke up and realized that parents are sending their children to school, worried they might not see them again. It’s not because going to the movies now requires a warning before the film to report any suspicious behavior. It’s certainly not because he’s asking himself “how can this keep happening?”
It’s because he knows that the tide is changing. The citizens of the 160th district are no longer willing to accept a entrenched, right-wing politician who is unwilling to take any action to protect our children. He knows that now, more than ever, voters are fired up. He knows the next generations are tired of the thoughts and prayers. He knows his days are numbered if he continues down this path.
Do not be fooled. Stephen Barrar has not changed. He will not be a leader on this issue. He knows that HB 1400 has very little hope of leaving the committee it’s in. And he knows that November 6th is not that far away.
So go vote. And let him know you’re not fooled.
Cathy Spahr
Democratic Candidate,
160th District
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