Volunteers thanked for making Pocopson Founders Day biggest ever

Hayride volunteers Maddie Knightly (left) and Bailee Suarez get everyone set for a fun ride through Pocopson as part of the annual Pocopson Founders Day, Sunday, which organizers said broke attendance records.
POCOPSON — It took volunteers, and lots of them, to make the annual Pocopson Founders’ Day a record-breaking success. The Sept. 28 event, its organizers say, was completely indebted to more...
Pocopson supervisors talk Founders Day

By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer, The Times
POCOPSON — Township Supervisors Ricki Stumpo and Georgia Brutscher opened Monday night’s Board of Supervisors’ meeting by reminding residents about the activities and entertainment planned for the upcoming Founder’s Day celebration.
Supervisors’ Chair, Stumpo, said officials are excited about several new attractions as well as surprise reappearances...
Pocopson Founders Day slated for Sept. 28

Red, white and blue the focus of ‘best dressed’ event
POCOPSON – The seventh Annual Pocopson Township Founders’ Day is just around the corner. Scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 28 in Pocopson Park located at 477 Locust Grove Road, it will run from 12:00PM to 4:00PM.
This “family friendly” event will have a special focus this year on Patriotism. Everyone is invited to display your...
Pocopson Founders Day, Sept. 28

POCOPSON The seventh Annual Pocopson Township Founders’ Day is just around the corner. Scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 28 in Pocopson Park located at 477 Locust Grove Road, it will run from noon to 4 p.m.
This “family friendly” event will have a special focus this year on Patriotism. Everyone is invited to display your “patriotic best.” Kids are encouraged to dress up from head to toe...
Perfect weather for Pocopson Founders Day

A Pocopson Founders Day attendee enjoys a bit of hoolahooping during Sunday’s event.
POCOPSON — Sunday could not have been a more perfect day to celebrate the township’s annual Founders Day at Pocopson Park.
Township residents and friends from nearby communities, stopped by throughout the day and were treated to fine music, local food, unique vendors, entertainment and a lot of fun children’s...
Pocopson Founders Day, Sept. 15

Games, fun, food featured at annual event
You never quite know what you’re going to see at Pocopson Founders Day — above, State Rep. Steve Barrar (R-160) takes his turn milking a cow at a previous event. The event runs from noon to 4 p.m. at Pocopson Park, Sunday.
POCOPSON — Let the games begin!
This classic phrase sums up the excitement taking place this coming Sunday, Sept. 15 from Noon...
Pocopson OK’s Marlboro Rd. house project

Founders Day set for Sept. 15; split vote on Rt. 52 roundabout project
By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer, The Times
Pocopson township officials discuss a proposed home construction on Marlboro Road, Monday night, as proposed by Kevin and Cathy Koehler. From left supervisor Georgia Brutscher, supervisor Steve Conary, Joe Mingioni, builder for the project, Susan Simone, township secretary, Jim Hatfield, township...
Pocopson supervisors have a quiet reorg meeting

Volunteer needed for Founders’ Day; Conary says he won’t seek reelection in 2013
By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer, The Times
Georgia Brutcher (left) was reelected Vice Chair and Stave Conary (right) was reelected chair of the Pocopson Township Board of Supervisors. Conary said Monday night he did not plan to seek reelection to a second term on the board.
POCOPSON — 2013 made a quiet entrance...
Pocopson Founders Day is Sunday

Annual event is back, and bigger than ever, 12-4, on Sept. 16th
Fun, food and games are just part of the fun — as seen above from a previous Founders Day — at the annual Pocopson Founders Day, Sunday, Sept. 16 at Pocopson Park from noon to 4 p.m.
POCOPSON – Enjoy a fun-filled afternoon of music, food, entertainment and children’s games at the township’s annual Founders Day celebration,...