Annual event is back, and bigger than ever, 12-4, on Sept. 16th

Fun, food and games are just part of the fun — as seen above from a previous Founders Day — at the annual Pocopson Founders Day, Sunday, Sept. 16 at Pocopson Park from noon to 4 p.m.
POCOPSON – Enjoy a fun-filled afternoon of music, food, entertainment and children’s games at the township’s annual Founders Day celebration, Sunday, Sept. 16, from noon to 4 p.m.
All of the great fun and attractions that have made the day such fun for the whole family are back — with a few, new fun additions for 2012. From pony rides, to the folk musical stylings of our local Pocopson Homeboys, to watching the ride-through of the famous Radnor Hunt, the township has a great family day planned for residents of the township. And as always, dogs are welcome.
Back from previous years, live music on stage from the Pocopson Homeboys, hay rides (provided by Baily’s Dairy) and the always fun dog jumping & dog look-a-like contest. For the third straight year, Radnor Hunt will be doing a ride through featuring horses and hounds, at 2pm. And of course, there will be children’s games, pony rides and face painting for kids, as well as a demonstration by the Chester County Sheriff’s K9. Once again, there will be raffle baskets, including this year’s featured basket, containing an autographed skateboard by Bam Margera.
And of course, the don’t-miss event of the day: the annual donut eating contest.
New for 2012: delicious food for sale from the from much-beloved Hood’s BBQ of Unionville. Another new addition: old-fashioned country fair kid races: egg toss, tug of war, sack race.
In addition, many local vendors and and service providers will have information or goods for sale.
Local animal rescue groups will also have dogs available for adoption.
Residents can also meet Pocospon Township Supervisors and get information on the township including our Historic School House (which will be open for tours during the event hours) restoration and the Barnard House.
Those interested can check the Founders Day Facebook page for additional information on the event, the new raffle prizes, and contests
The event organizers would like to thank the following 2012 Founders Day sponsors:
The Founding Sponsor: Toll Brothers Inc.
Founders Day Partners:, Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees and VanDemark & Lynch, Inc.
Friends of Founders day include: Gannett Fleming, Inc., Keystone Municipal Services, Inc., Lenape Veterinary Clinic – Michael Spancake, V.M.D., Manito Abstract Company, The Northbrook Cattle Company and Rob & Marcy Fenza.
Founders Day supporters include:, Barbacane Thornton and Company LLC, Burcham & Associates, Landscape Architects, Embreeville Mill, Frens & Frens LLC, GreenRoots Landscaping, Melton Architects, Plasterer Equipment Company, Inc., Matt & Heather Read and Family and Rothwell Document. Solutions
The organizers also would like to thank Wawa for serving as an in-kind sponsor.
Be sure to stop by the Brandywine Base Ball Club’s booth to find out about Chester County’s oldest (and newest) Base Ball team. See how the game was played in the 1860’s. There are no gloves needed in this vintage style of play.
Come make history with us! If you stick around until 4PM, you might even get a chance to play!
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