Yes, you can dress for Easter Sunday

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
One of my fondest childhood memories from Easter Sunday (besides the obvious time with family and hoards of candy) was the opportunity to wear white patent leather shoes, a lace dress, hat, and gloves. No, I did not grow up in Colonial times (despite what my kids say) but in the late 70’s it was appropriate to get all decked out. I feel like that doesn’t...
Super Six: Hello, Springtime!

Warm weather means new, fun fashion options
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
It’s SPRINGTIME in the Square! Woo hoo! OK, so we had a dusting of snow the other day, but, this week we’ll have temperatures in the 70’s! I literally cannot wait. I am OVER winter coats and scarves and boots and being freezing cold all the damn time. I crave sunshine and outdoor living and it’s right...
Willowdale: an event to dress for

While some are there for the horses, many come to make fashion statements
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist,
I have always loved the fanciness of the Kentucky Derby. While I have never had the occasion to attend, lucky for us, Unionville, PA is located in the heart of horse country, as well! Rolling hills and Ireland green pastures provide a picture perfect backdrop for the annual...