Young activists make their mark at the polls

Local students become part of the political process, work election day
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
You may be a little sick of politics right now. Okay, a couple of folks I know have made it clear that if they see another political ad on their TV, they might just throw a brick through it.
But not everyone is, and thankfully for our future, a number of local youths were getting their baptism by...
GOP turns back Democratic tide locally

Republicans hold all nine Chester County state house seats, Romney wins narrow victory
Among Tuesday’s legislative winners in Chester County, from top left: State Sen. Andrew Dinniman (D-19), State Sen. Dominic Pieleggi (R-9), from middle left: State Rep. Tim Hennessey (R-26), State Rep. John Lawrence (R-13), State Rep. Steve Barrar (R-160), from left left, State Rep.-Elect Becky Corbin (R-155)...
Letter: Our navy is stronger than ever, Mr. Rommey

To The Editor,
Some thoughts about the election. President Obama vs. Governor Romney
I am an independent, but not undecided about this election. I watched all three debates and God knows how many references to the election on TV. I have followed both men and their careers as much as that is possible for an average citizen today.
With a presidential election everyone has a story, a spin, NEWS some...
Column: My take on the area legislative races

Is competency more important that ideology? I think so.
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
We had some internal discussions about doing our first endorsements as a publication this year, something I decided was probably not the right thing to do in 2010 or 2011. And while we were split — at the end we still decided that the negatives outweighed the positives.
It is a position we will revisit in 2013,...
7th District Election Preview

Redrawn 7th is more GOP friendly, but race is a microcosm of presidential race
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The new Seventh Congressional District, in green above, runs through numerous counties and adds many new voters for 2012.
In an unusual race because of redistricting, an incumbent congressman is a virtual new face to nearly two thirds of his new constituents — but a district that is likely...
Letter: Ross didn’t protect open space

To the Editor
Rep. Chris Ross (R-158) voted for House Bill 2224 which, according to the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association, PennFuture and many other open space organizations, puts public land, including much-loved parks, at risk of being sold for short term gain or on a political whim. It tosses out longstanding rules that ensure government cannot sell parks and other Open Space if the lands...
Piits, Strader supporters spar over Willowdale protest

State Police were called and event was cut short; no arrests
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Democratic congressional candidate Aryana Strader speaks to a protest rally near U.S. Rep. Joe Pitss’ office in Willowdale, Saturday. After State Police were called to the event, if was cut short, organizers say.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Supporters of Aryana Strader and Joseph Pitts exchanged barbs this...
Will HB 1077 impact statehouse races?

Will abortion politics motivate voters to vote for Democrats?
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
I hate the subject of abortion. With a deep, dark abiding passion.
But it’s possible I may have underestimated its impact on the 2012 elections when it comes to local state house races.
I spent the better part of my Saturday morning last week on the courthouse steps in West Chester listening to a rally...