Middle schoolers compete in county Knowledge Bowl

Sixth grade Knowledge Bowl winners, Peirce Middle School’s 6B Team, pose with their award ribbons. Pictured from left to right: Bruce Laster, Kira Rodriguez, Mustafa Topiwala, and Siri Chodapaneedi.
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, middle school students from across Chester County gathered at the Technical College High School (TCHS) Brandywine Campus to test their academic prowess in the 2024 Chester County...
Hess named as ORJSD’s Citadel Heart of Learning finalist

Pictured left to right is Dr. Will Stout, OJRSD superintendent; Amy Hess, Citadel Heart of Learning finalist; Dr. Malinda McKillip, French Creek Elementary School principal; and Dr. Kathy Soeder, OJRSD assistant superintendent.
The Owen J. Roberts School District (OJRSD) announced Amy Hess, an elementary teacher at French Creek Elementary, as one of 15 outstanding Chester County educators and 31 Greater...
Parents don’t have — and shouldn’t have — the only voice in public education

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
I hate to break it to you, but parents don’t — and shouldn’t — get the last word when it comes to public education.
Should parents have some say? Sure, and they do (arguably an outsized voice already), but they are far from the only constituency school districts and school boards have to balance to truly represent the greater community.
The needs...
Jakatt named CCIU’s Heart of Learning Award finalist

Jessica Jakatt
COATESVILLE — Traditionally, when we think of heroes, those that come to mind fly around in capes, defeat supervillains and save entire cities from destruction. These comic book heroes are fun and inspiring, but as our current situation has undoubtedly shown, the real-life heroes of today are the ones putting on medical scrubs, working at the grocery store and teaching our children...
Could Wolf’s call on HS sports help reelect Trump?

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
It’s probably not Gov. Tom’s Wolf’s intention, but if his actions this week prevent fall high school sports, he may have unwittingly helped reelect President Donald Trump.
Before you lose your — well, you know — hear me out.
Generally speaking, I’ve been pretty consistent in my praise of Wolf’s actions regarding COVID-19. His aggressive...
CCIU celebrates 50 years of providing career & technical education in Chester County

Current and former students and staff from the Central Chester County Technical School, Northern Chester County Technical School, Center for Arts & Technology (CAT) Brandywine Campus, Center for Arts & Technology (CAT) Pickering Campus, TCHS Brandywine Campus, TCHS Pickering Campus and TCHS Pennock’s Bridge Campus gathered at the Celebration of 50 years of providing career and technical education...
CCIU tabs Fiore as new Executive Director

Dr. George Fiore
The Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) Board of Directors appointed Dr. George Fiore as its next executive director at a special Board meeting held on Wednesday, June 12, 2019, at the CCIU Educational Service Center in Downingtown.
“We are turning a new page, and going into a new era for the IU,” said CCIU Board President Bonnie Wolff. “I am looking forward to working with...
Online daters are wealthier and better educated

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
Yes, I love research, data, and statistical analysis that prove my own theories. In fact, I’m quite arrogant at times when I’m convinced I’m right about something – especially when it comes to dating.
As you all have read in my columns, I keep asserting the fact that there are many erudite men and women to be found on these online dating sites. Well, a...
Art Watch: August ‘First Friday’ Gallery openings and artistic fresh starts

By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
By now most everyone knows that studies have shown that having some creative outlet in your life increases longevity and personal happiness; but where to begin? This August, consider signing up for Fall classes at the many art associations in our area, or a class with private art teachers, or going back to school, or entering an art competition. The greater...
PA is a third-world state because of funding issues