Online daters are wealthier and better educated

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times

Yes, I love research, data, and statistical analysis that prove my own theories. In fact, I’m quite arrogant at times when I’m convinced I’m right about something – especially when it comes to dating.

As you all have read in my columns, I keep asserting the fact that there are many erudite men and women to be found on these online dating sites. Well, a new Pew Research Centre study has proven my bias that there are thousands of great catches out there on the web if you just bring to the table all that you are looking for. In fact, their newest study shows that “Americans from households with an annual income of more than $75,000 are nearly twice as likely to know an online suitor as those earning less than $30,000.” Moreover, “the ratio between college graduates and high-school dropouts is almost four to one.”

The reasons for this are a little more complicated than one might think, and not just the ones derived from this study. Yes, I agree with the researchers who found that wealthier, hard-working people are needing to make dating more efficient, which is one of the reasons online dating was started. However, I also think it’s a matter of having the flexibility and technology available to you to check your phone regularly to see who’s checking you out and time to call someone to set up the date. Not the least, dating can be expensive, and since online dating gives you practically an unending supply of dates, you’ve got to have the extra cash to date a lot of frogs. In addition, as research has also shown, wealthier, high achieving people are more likely to be risk takers and thus they appreciate online dating as a perfect way to meet the love of their life.

However, if you still don’t feel you are in the same playing field, try Elite Singles, which claims to have 87% with college degrees, and their matches for you will be determined by your education, profession and income. In addition, there’s always Luxy which will ask for your tax returns to prove you make over $200,000. Moreover, the app The League, will only accept you after going through your Facebook and LinkedIn friends and colleagues and determining that you are up to their standards. According to James Tozer of The Economist, there are 100,000 on their waiting list.

No one said online dating was for the faint of heart. But, having said that, it is certainly the “go to” avenue for finding love for the rich and educated. So, perhaps while you are relaxing at the beach or by the pool this summer, why not jump online and see if you can find a little magic in the air? Please, this is not an invitation to let your guard down. This is where scammers lurk the most, so keep your Safety hat on at all times, and do your research about each suitor online and offline. Make the investment of hiring a reputable detective to make sure their profile and past are true blue. The good news is that with your doing your diligence, you’ll be safe and happy in the end.

Wouldn’t it be nice knowing that there really are some great, well-to-do, educated and more open- minded folks out there waiting to get a note from you?

I always feel like I’m in a Nike commercial:


Enjoy the summer!!

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