Wolf: Take a deep breath, the votes will be counted; Chesco officials gather to back complete vote count

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Despite false claims of voter fraud by President Donald Trump, ballot counting will continue in Pennsylvania and Chester County — and may not be fully complete statewide until Friday. Although Trump falsely declared victory late Tuesday, it appears that Joe Biden is increasingly likely to win a fairly close but definitive victory for the White House,...

If you haven’t voted yet, you can vote safely Tuesday if you use a little caution

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa On Tuesday, many of us will vote. Of course, here in Chester County, more than 100,000 people have returned their mail-in ballots (that number is probably low — I assume many more ballots will have shown up, maybe 40,000 more, by the time you read this — if you have a ballot, please take it to a drop off box right away). Still, it is safe to assume...

Lies, damn lies and our legislative Republicans

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa If you or I left work early for vacation with a ton of work undone, we’d probably be in trouble — me with readers and advertisers, you with your boss. Yet, our beloved state House of Representatives bailed on their work in Harrisburg, with a stack of work undone, so they can go home and campaign for to keep the job so many of them seem unwilling to...

Will new COVID spike tamp down in-person voting, leading to a GOP disaster?

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa On Saturday, The Pennsylvania Department of Health reported 1,742 new cases of COVID-19, the highest number reported in the state since April. National sources reported about 55,000 new cases — without Florida numbers — and nearly 1,000 deaths. Since there appear to be no new restrictions to limit the spread of the virus on the horizon, we’re going...

Pa. legislative Republicans show irresponsibility — again — in new COVID outbreak

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa It’s been a long year, considering it’s just been a week. I can’t list the entire magnum of chaos that happened this past week in D.C., so I’m going to focus on the ones that immediately impact voting in Pennsylvania and Chester County. Keeping it local, it looks like the Republicans in the legislature were saved from themselves when State Rep....

The Pa. GOP doesn’t want your vote for president to count

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa It is becoming painfully clear that Pennsylvania Republicans do not want you to be able to vote for president in 2020. They literally support the end of representative democracy in favor of a minority political oligarchy. From the word of state GOP chair Lawrence Tabas, who apparently has consulted with the Donald Trump campaign over the potential for...

The fact-challenged whiners are winning on COVID, and we’re all going to lose

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Well, ready or not, we’re reopening. Tomorrow, restaurants will be allowed to operate at 50% capacity, it looks like the college football leagues that initially cancelled will now try to play and there is increasing pressure for local school districts to resume in-person instruction. Now, understand, these moves aren’t based on science or that things...

Wolf calls out Trump, GOP, saying they continue to be ‘irresponsible’ on COVID

Gov. Tom Wolf In the wake of a ruling by a federal judge declaring some of his emergency orders during the COVID-19 pandemic, Gov. Tom Wolf issued a scathing statement Tuesday, calling out President Donald Trump and Republicans in the legislature (and some of the toady business groups egging them on locally). In a lengthy, fiery statement, Wolf called out Republicans over distorting the truth, celebrating...

Trump is a racist; if you support him, are you?

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa The truth has a mighty power to bring itself to the forefront, making it impossible to ignore. The shootings in Wisconsin this week again shone a light on what might be the mightiest truth in our country right now: we still have a racism problem. As in too many of us white folks are pretty freakin’ racist. Still. Still. Here in Chester County, one of...

The Post Office thing is worse than you know, and you need to pay attention

By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa POCATELLO, ID — Donald J. Trump doesn’t want you to vote this fall. Why? He knows unless turnout is awful, he’ll lose and lose badly. He figures if he stops vote by mail — although he’s voting that way — people won’t want to risk standing in long lines at their polling place during a pandemic so he and his appointed troll Postmaster General...