Pielli announces run for reelction

State Rep. Chris Pielli (D-156)
State Representative Chris Pielli has announced his candidacy for reelection as State Representative for House District 156.
“Serving as your State Representative for PA 156 is one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life” stated Chris. “When I first ran, I promised that I would give everything I could for every constituent i n my district, regardless of...
Times 2022 election questionnaire: Chris Pielli, 156th District

Chris Pielli
It is time again — for the fourth straight election cycle — for The Times election questionnaire for legislative candidates — your chance to get an unfiltered look at candidates’ views on various issues. The questions were sent out in September to both major parties in the county, asking them to be distributed to the individual campaigns. As always, the answers are not edited...
County Democrats endorse Pielli for 156th District nomination

Chris Pielli
Chris Pielli, candidate for State Representative in the 156th District is proud to announce that he has overwhelmingly received the endorsement of the Chester County Democratic Committee.
The CCDC held their endorsement meeting on Monday night. Pielli, who currently serves as the Chester County Recorder of Deeds received 82% of the endorsement vote.
With their endorsement, the CCDC joins...
Recorder of Deeds office to bring facemasks to SE Veterans Center

Recorder of Deeds Chris Pielli
SPRING CITY – Officials from the Recorder of Deeds office of Chester County will deliver face masks to residents at the Southeastern Veterans’ Center (SEVC) branded with their respective branch of military. The masks were handmade in the United States and gifted by an anonymous donor. They vary in size and are printed with designs relating to the US Army,...
Op/Ed: The importance of a good deed

By Chris Pielli, Special to The Times
Chris Pielli
Why do people run for political office? Ideally, it should be to serve the public and put the public’s interest above all other interests, including your own. I think of Sophocles’ famous quote –“To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.” I have always tried to keep this in mind. As a veteran, I have served my country....
Op/Ed: Time to promote sensible gun laws