Chris Pielli
Chris Pielli, candidate for State Representative in the 156th District is proud to announce that he has overwhelmingly received the endorsement of the Chester County Democratic Committee.
The CCDC held their endorsement meeting on Monday night. Pielli, who currently serves as the Chester County Recorder of Deeds received 82% of the endorsement vote.
With their endorsement, the CCDC joins a growing list of elected officials, community and party leaders, and advocacy groups in endorsing Chris Pielli’s candidacy for the State House seat being vacated by retiring Democratic State representative Dianne Herrin.
Chris Pielli mad the following statement regarding his endorsement:
“I am humbled by the support my campaign has received, and honored to go into the Primary Election as the Chester County Democratic Committee’s endorsed candidate. I would like to thank each and every committee member who voted to support my campaign.
I’ve built my career around service to our community, and I am excited by the opportunity to continue serving all of us in Harrisburg. Pennsylvania faces a lot of important issues, and we need experienced leaders to address them.
As an elected officer in Chester County, I am proud to be a part of the leadership team that helped our community get through the COVID crisis. That was a huge challenge, and my ROD team and I kept the Recorder of Deeds Office open and functioning, and delivered badly needed revenue to Chester County, and to municipalities and school districts throughout the county.
Tonight’s vote is a recognition of my experienced and successful leadership, and I am grateful for the faith my fellow Democrats have placed in me and my campaign.”