Abandoned Pocopson house to be torn down

Lenape site to be cleared by township, ending multi-year struggle to address property
By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer, The Times
Although obscured by overgrowth and years of neglect, this Lenape Road house will be torn down by the township after years of attempting to get its owners to maintain the property.
POCOPSON — A collective sigh of relief was heard during Monday’s Township Board of Supervisors...
Plans for Pocopson roundabout finalized

If approved by PennDOT, work could be done by 2014
By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer, The Times
POCOPSON – Officials discussed a mixed bag of topics at the Pocopson Township Supervisor’s meeting on Aug. 12.
Supervisors’ Chairman Steve Conary said plans for the roundabout linking Route 52, Wawaset, and Lenape-Unionville Roads are completed and awaiting the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s...
Vandalism continues on Bragg Hill Rd.

Signs, gates damaged at closed road; supervisors to apply for traffic light grant for Rt. 52
By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer, The Times
Damaged signs at the gate closing off Bragg Hill Road. Vandalism of gates and signs has been persistent since the roadway was closed by township officials, after it was deemed too dangerous for vehicular traffic.
POCOPSON — Vandals have once again defaced signs and...
Closure of Pocopson’s Bragg Hill Rd. an uphill climb

New gates closing former roadway have been damaged, forced open
By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer, The Times
The gate closing Bragg Hill Road near Northbrook Road. Pocopson officials have been trying to close the roadway for a number of years and recently ordered the installation of gates at both ends. The gates have been forced open and damaged in recent weeks, township officials said, prompting a State...
Pocopson grants conditional approval to move house

Supervisors OK Bragg Hill house move if conditions are met
By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer, UnionvilleTimes.com
The Pocopson Township Board of Supervisors have given preliminary approval to move a house near Bragg Hill Road, provided the property owners comply with 17 conditions.
POCOPSON — A historic home along Bragg Hill Road will be relocated to another part of the property as long as certain conditions...