Springtime puts stress on women

While men just let it all hang out, women want perfect summer bodies
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Spring is here! FINALLY. I know this not because of the weather forecast or by sticking my head out the front door…I know this because every female in my life is on a diet.
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Dad bods? What about Mom bods?

If guys can let themselves go a bit, why not women?
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Have you heard about “Dad bod”? Thanks to Clemson student Mackenzie Pearson’s blog post (read here: http://bit.ly/1DCrYSl) the concept is trending. Here’s her theory in a nutshell: Women are attracted to men that have a “nice balance between a beer gut and working out.
The dad bod says, “I...
Are we obsessed with our weight?

A number of a scale shouldn’t define anyone, but health should be a factor
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Joni Edelman is a blogger and mother of five who recently created a firestorm of controversy when she wrote about her experience of gaining weight and finding happiness as a result. Click here to read her post: http://on.today.com/1DvghCL
I read it and it bothers me. Why does...
Reshaping thoughts about body image

Affirm the positive and stop negative thoughts
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Happy Easter!
Put down the peanut butter egg for 5 minutes. This will be brief, I promise.
Due to the proximity of summer swimsuit/shorts/tank top season, my fanatical fitness focus ratchets up to a whole new level. In the spirit of Spring’s rebirth and renewal, I am attempting to (once again) have a healthy...
‘Fat Talk’ probably helps no one

A bit of perspective might be useful when looking at body image
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
After a killer class at Kennett Cross Fit, my girlfriends and I hobbled over to the Produce Place for a smoothie and a chat. Inevitably, talk turned to body image and our own self-perceptions (as distorted as they may be). I was telling them about an article that I read in the New York Times by...