Vogel announces run for Congress

Ron Vogel
A Chester County Realtor has announced his intention to seek the Republican nomination for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 6th District.
In a letter, Ron Vogel informed the members of the Republican Committees of Chester and Berks Counties of his intention to seek the seat currently held by Democrat Chrissy Houlahan.
Vogel said: “I will not stand idly by while the America we all love falls...
Federal courts decline to overturn new Congressional map

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Two Federal courts refused Monday to set aside new Congressional districts — meaning that all of Chester County will now be in the new 6th District, starting with this fall’s election.
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Moro declares run for 6th District

Elizabeth Moro
Democratic Congressional candidate Elizabeth Moro has announced that she will seek her party’s nomination and endorsement in the 6th Congressional District. On Monday, February 19th, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court released newly drawn congressional districts after ruling that the previous map ‘clearly, plainly, and palpably’ flouted the state Constitution. Moro, who had formerly...
New Congressional map puts all of Chesco in 6th; GOP to file suit

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The new Sixth Congressional District.
It seems like almost everyone has an opinion about the new Congressional map issued Monday by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court — predictably, Democrats generally lauded it as fair, while Republicans, including President Donald Trump blasted the new plan and pledged to fight it in Federal Court.
The state court issued the new map...
It’s on: U.S. Supreme court paves way for Congressional redistricting

The 7th District as we knew it is no more, following Monday’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court not to consider a stay to a state Supreme Court ruling that said the state’s Congressional district violated the state Constitution.
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Nah, nah, nah, — nah, nah, nah — heeeeeey, goodbye.
No, we’re not talking about the Patriots’ hopes for a Super Bowl...
My view on the local Congressional races

Americans don’t like Congress, but keep sending the same people to D.C.
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
In these highly partisan times, it seems likely that many voters will be voting one party, one ticket, putting ideology over competency.
Ironically, most polling shows that we Americans hold our Congress in very low esteem, yet seem to continually send representatives to Washington, D.C....
Costello isn’t going anywhere — at least until November