Sheriff Welsh endorses Pileggi

Chester County Sheriff Carolyn "Bunny" Welsh

PENNSBURY – Chester County Sheriff Bunny Welsh, a township resident, announced her support for incumbent state Sen. Dominic Pileggi — who faces a primary challenge — this week.

Pileggi, (R-9, Chester) currently serves as state Senate Majority Leader. Pileggi, who represents all but two municipalities in the Unionville area, faces a primary battle from Roger Howard of East Marlborough.

“As Sheriff, I greatly appreciate Sen. Pileggi’s support of the law enforcement community, particularly the leadership role he has played in making the Chester County Public Safety Training Center a reality,” said Welsh, noting that as Senate Majority Leader, Pileggi helped obtain critical state funding for the project. “Sen. Pileggi understands that a combined center that allows law enforcement, fire personnel and emergency responders to train together will help save the lives of our first responders and local residents.”

“Sen. Pileggi is a strong ally of law enforcement, who has worked tirelessly to protect seniors and children and help keep violent criminals off our streets,” Welsh said.  “Senator Pileggi’s top priority is the people of Chester County.  We need Senator Pileggi in Harrisburg fighting for local residents.”

“I greatly appreciate having the support of Sheriff Welsh, who is one of the most well-respected members of law enforcement in the state,”  Sen. Pileggi said. “I look forward to continuing to work with the Sheriff and other law enforcement leaders in Pennsylvania as we work to make our communities safer and provide law enforcement with the tools and training needed to protect our citizens.”

Pileggi, the former mayor of Chester, has served in the state senate since 2002, when he was elected to replace Sen. Clarence Bell after Bell’s death. He became Majority Leader in 2007. Although Pileggi has easily won reelection in 2004 and 2008, he has increasingly come under criticism for floating a plan to change the state’s electoral college vote in 2011 and, more recently, as a member of the Legislative Redistricting Commission, came under fire after the redistricting plan was rejected by the state Supreme Court — which appeared to chastise the LRC for the slowness of the redistricting process.

Welsh is the first woman to be elected sheriff of Chester County and in 2009 she was elected President of the Pennsylvania Sheriffs’ Association, the first time in the history of the organization a woman was elected to its top leadership position.  Her commitment to combating crime and implementing unique programs to protect residents has twice earned her the statewide Crime Prevention Office of the Sheriff Award.


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  1. Gregory Cooper says:

    A public debate between these two gentlemen would be great, and advantageous for the community to witness. However, if neither of those men address the main issue hurting the society, it may all be for nought. We want to treat the problem at its root, not merely the symptoms.

  2. Helen Weber says:

    Pileggi has said he will defend his record against Howard. The people in the 9th congressional district deserve not less than a debate between the two gentlemen. Hopefully Pileggi will hold true to his word and participate in a debate.

  3. dancer says:

    Senator Pileggi has stated that he will defend his record against any opponent. I take to mean that the senator has issued a challenge to Roger Howard. I hope the senator will stand by his word to a public debate because the constitutents need to have him explain many of the issues that are being asked.

  4. I do not believe physical security or debt is our biggest problem. I believe it is our turning of our backs on God. Taking God out of society was our greatest mistake and we are still paying for it. The PA house put forward a resolution making 2012 the year of the Bible in our Commonwealth (See PA House Resolution 535). This is the type of medicine our sick society needs – a reintroduction to the Word of God. When hearts and minds are renewed and faith is put in Jesus Christ, transformation of societies can take place. We need more God-fearing men and women in office (Exodus 18:21).

  5. Sarah Hughes says:

    I like Sheriff Welsh a lot; however, I’m disappointed she endorsed Mr. Pileggi. I believe she has made a mistake. Mr. Howard will be a better decision maker on behalf of the citizens when it comes to tough decisions needing to be made in Harrisburg. He respects the Constitution.

  6. Roger Howard says:

    Sheriff Welsh is a well respected law enforcement officer and has served the County well. As a long term member of the Chester County Republican Committee, we all would expect her to support Senator Pileggi without question.

    Bunny lauds the senator for working to protect seniors and our children. As the father of five and grandfather of 8, I speak for all of us who support the physical protection of our families. However, physical security is not the great danger that faces our generations: debt is the greatest danger to the security of ourselves and our children. Senator Pileggi voted for seven of eight of former Governor Rendell’s budgets that increased the operating budget of Pennsylvania from $41B to $64B and drove us further into debt that our children and grand children will have pay.

    Besides borrowing $410M in the Capital Budget for operating expenses of the State this year, perhaps the most egregious example of self-interested politicians is the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program whose debt limit Pileggi voted in 2011 to increase to $4.05B. What sort of projects did the Senate Majority leader vote to donate to? Among many others this year, $10M for the Janney Montgomery Scott headquarters in Philadelphia and $35M for the Comcast Center headquarters in Philadelphia. Because these donations to politically favored projects are bought with the purchase of bonds, the amortization cost over the next 30 years will be $33.4M and $119M, respectively. Those votes shackle future generations with debt to pay for the transient political benefit of today’s politicians. Those votes clearly endanger the security of our children and grandchildren.

  7. Ann Christopher says:

    I live in the same township as Bunny Welsh. I have always liked and respected her. I think she does a good job. I like Senator Pileggi too. I am glad to see she is campaigning for him. He has been a good senator.