Chester County leads state in veteran benefit payouts

Chester County veterans received more federal benefit payouts – excluding survivor and pension benefits – than any other county in Pennsylvania, according to the Chester County Department of Veterans Affairs. Over $3 million was paid to veterans in January 2023, nearly $500,000 more than Berks County, which is ranked number two.
The mission of Veterans Affairs is to provide information and guidance...
So. Chesco Chamber’s 7th Annual Inspirational Breakfast speaks to Veterans’ Services

American Legion Color Guard of Kennett Square Color Guard Post 00491 with Brigadier General (PA) Maureen Weigl and SCCCC Chairman of the Board, Tim Moore (Constellation Energy)
WEST GROVE – The Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce held its 7th Annual Inspirational Breakfast on Tuesday, May 24th, at The Mendenhall Inn. Brigadier General (PA) Maureen Weigl joined as the Keynote Speaker,...
Legal Aid of SEPA to hold free birth certificate clinic for PA born Veterans

COATESVILLE – Legal Aid of Southeastern PA (LASP) is partnering with the Chester County Bar Association to hold a free birth certificate clinic for veterans on November 19, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m, at the Coatesville Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 1400 Blackhorse Hill Road, Building 38, Room 125D Coatesville, PA 19320.
Birth certificates are often needed to access health care...
Costello & Esty introduce ‘CARE for All Veterans Act’

Congressman Ryan Costello (R-PA)
Bipartisan legislation would expand care for all caregivers of veterans
Washington, DC – Thursday Congressman Ryan Costello (R-PA) and Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (D-CT) introduced HR 2894: the Caregivers Access and Responsible Expansion (CARE) for All Veterans Act in an effort to increase access to the current VA Caregiver Support Program to all service-era veterans....
Congressional delegation visits Philadelphia VA Regional Office

Costello calls for ‘complete cultural change’
U.S. Rep. Ryan Costello (PA-06)
PHILADELPHIA, PA – Monday, U.S. Rep. Ryan Costello (PA-06) joined Members of Congress to conduct joint oversight of the Philadelphia VA Regional Office. Following the recent reports of mismanagement, the Members of Congress visited the facility where they heard from Regional Office and VA leadership, as well as held...
Davidson named new county Director of Veterans Affairs

Lawrence Davidson
WEST CHESTER — Phoenixville resident Lawrence Davidson has been named the new Chester County Director of Veterans Affairs, according to the Chester County Commissioners.
“Chester County veterans will have an excellent advocate in Lawrence Davidson,” said Chester County Commissioners’ Chair Ryan Costello. “The commissioners are looking forward to working with him and providing...