The problem with Doug

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Way back in the “good old days” of 2018, Scott Wagner, then the GOP nominee for Pennsylvania governor, threatened “I’m gonna stomp all over your (Gov. Tom Wolf’s) face with golf spikes.” We’ll assume for the sake of this column, that this claim was strictly metaphorical.  Wagner, of course did nothing of the sort at the ballot box, losing...

Not both sides: one party needs to up its game, the other is likely terminally broken

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa I’m sure by now you are tired of breathless media takes on what the 2021 elections mean and will mean for 2022. The truth is, though, that both parties in Chester County have issues — granted, one much, much more drastic than the other — and a lot of atmospheric issues (the economy, COVID) will probably drive results more than anything. While the...

As the Big Lie unravels, the PA GOP looks pretty bad

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa We might just be at a tipping point when it comes to The Big Lie. Never mind the facts that Donald Trump lost the national race by somewhere around seven million votes and lost a solid margin in the Electoral College. And forget for a second, that Trump lost Pennsylvania to Joe Biden by about 80,000 votes in an election that has had multiple checks and...

Letter: Voter fraud is the other ‘Big Lie’

To the Editor I share grave concern with many Americans about the right to vote.   The protection for our democracy that H.R. 1 provides is critical in a time when more than 200 voter suppression legislative actions are being considered by state legislators and some signed into law. The “New York Times” and other national news outlets have exposed the connection between these voter suppression...