County: Community support has made all the difference in year since Ashwood Apartments fire

On Tuesday, Chester County issued the following statement, thanking many members of the local community for their support in assisting the victims of the Ashwood Apartment fire a little more than a year ago:
On Thursday, July 30 2020, fire devastated the Ashwood Apartment building in North Coventry Township, Chester County, completely destroying 45 homes, displacing 50 families and leaving 100 men,...
Giving thought to a few words of thanks

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love it for its simplicity. Basically, it is a day dedicated to sharing a meal with people you love. That’s it. No pressure to give or receive gifts. The present is our presence. (Cheesy, I know. But, isn’t it the truth?) And, as the title suggests, it is a time to give thanks for the many wonderful things that get...
Remembering our heroes this holiday weekend

So many families can point with pride to those who served
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
In honor of Memorial Day, I wanted to pass along the amazing story of my husband’s grandfather.
Wilfred Eugene Hockenberry (Gene to his family and friends) was an 18 year old U.S. Army soldier fighting in Salerno, Italy in World War II. He and his buddy were hiding in a fox hole when they were...
So much to be thankful for

What a difference a year makes
By Mike McGann, Editor,
Thursday, as you probably know from the near-riot conditions at the Super-Fresh, is Thanksgiving.
In doing my research for this year’s column, I looked back on last year’s column (which actually ran on Thanksgiving) and noted all of the things I’m personally thankful for in and around Unionville.
Without doubt, I’m still...