What To Do: ‘Sheep and Wool Day’ a sure sign of spring in Chester County

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Sheep and Wool Day
“Sheep and Wool Day” at Springton Manor Farm (860 Springton Road, Glenmoore, 610-942-2450, www.chesco.org/ccparks) is an event that has become a popular annual spring tradition in Chester County.
This year’s “Sheep and Wool Day” is a free family event that will be held on April 30 from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Visitors will be able...
What To Do: Philadelphia Flower Show takes it outside

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
The Philadelphia Flower Show
The PHS Philadelphia Flower Show (phsonline.org) has been a staple in Philadelphia since 1829. The massive annual show, which is the nation’s longest-running horticultural event, typically draws more than 250,000 people to Philadelphia every year.
The show, which is presented every year by the Pennsylvania Horticultural...
What To Do: Fun events for when you’re Halloweened out

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Carmina Burana
This weekend, there is a wide variety of activities that can keep people of all interests occupied. Not surprisingly, the schedule is top-heavy with Halloween-related attractions and events.
Fortunately, for those who don’t care about Halloween – or have already reached a saturation point with the marketing for the holiday —...
What To Do: Jam on The Brandywine, Sept. 20

Also: West Chester Restaurant festival serves it up again
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
The Calabrese Sisters are just one of a plethora of acts performing at The Jam on The Brandywine, Sept. 20.
Circle your calendar for September 20 if you’re looking to attend the Brandywine Valley Association’s annual Jam on the Brandywine (Brandywine Valley Association grounds, Route 842 near Northbrook...
What To Do: Balloon Fest, Father Fest & more

Whether looking for fun with Dad or just cool music, there are events for you
By Denny Dyroff, Correspondent, The Times
The eighth Annual Chester County Balloon Festival kicks off Friday night in Unionville and continues Saturday.
There are some things that can happen in the sky above you and compel you to look up. It’s almost certain that if there is a hot air balloon in the sky above you, you’re...