PennDOT hit over Birmingham potholes

Supervisors say they complain to no avail to state agency
By Kris Firey-Poling, Correspondent, The Times
Officials from Otto’s BMW present their land development plan at Monday’s Board of Supervisor’s meeting in Birmingham, Monday night.
BIRMINGHAM — There’s nothing like potholes to get everyone talking, as demonstrated at Monday night’s township Board of Supervisor’s meeting.
Truitt cries foul over false claims on Snyder mailer

Democrats acknowledge error on claims that State Rep. voted for gas tax hike
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The mailer in question that went out to voters in the 156th District from Democrat Sandra Snyder incorrectly claims State Rep. Dan Truit voted for the 2013 transportation bill and its resulting gasoline tax increase. Truitt voted four times against the measure.
WEST CHESTER — A State Representative’s...
Rewarding military service with price breaks

New Veterans ID & Discount Program to launch in county on Friday
Many areas businesses are not waiting for Veterans Day to thank the men and women who have served in the military. From dining to dentistry, car repair to chiropractic care, a host of vendors are participating in a new program for veterans.
On Friday, Chester County Recorder of Deeds Rick Loughery, whose office manages DD-214 military...
Op/Ed: The Constitution and why it matters