Spring sports registration open at local YMCAs

Registration for Spring 2016 Youth Sports leagues and clinics at the YMCA of Greater Brandywine began on February 15 and runs until March 27 with late registrations being accepted after that based on availability.
Sports offerings include basketball, soccer, cheerleading, floor hockey, tennis, volleyball, T-ball, coach pitch baseball and flag football for kids ages 3 to 18 years.
KAPRB Spring Sports registration open

KENNETT SQUARE — The Kennett Area Park and Recreation Board is now offering registration for its spring and summer programs. Please visit www.kaprb.com for more information or call 610-444-6314.
KAPRB High School Recreational Basketball: This league is open to all boys and girls in grades 9-12. The league will have games once a week in January, February and through the middle of March. There...