What To Do: Get outside for fun summer events

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Forget that we’re in the middle of a brutal heatwave. This is still the time of year to venture out and take advantage of the plethora of outdoor special events in the area.
On August 13 from 6-8 p.m., the Chester County History Center (225 North High Street, West Chester, chestercohistorical.org) will present “Sick in the City: A Walking Tour of...
What To Do: Art shows, Radnor Hunt and more this weekend

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
A painting by Barbara Tlush, as part of the Chadds Ford Historical Society Arts Show.
While the major focus for events this weekend is on outdoor activities, there is also a focus on art-related events.
The Chadds Ford Historical Society’s “Spring Art Show at Thornbury Farm” is scheduled for May 15 at Thornbury Farm (1256 Thornbury Road, West Chester,...