Part II: Even More of Your 2011 Unionville Prom Pictures

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The response has been so overwhelming — and the great pictures just keep coming, so here’s Part II, graciously sponsored by Nicholas Anthony Salon in Willowdale.
We’re featuring shots sent in by readers from those attending the Unionville High School 2011 Prom. We’ll be updating the shots and adding to this as the images of those attending come in....
More Updates: Unionville High School, Your Prom Images, 2011

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We’re featuring shots sent in by readers from those attending the Unionville High School 2011 Prom. We’ll be updating the shots and adding to this as the images of those attending come in. Remember, if you’d like to be featured, send your pictures to
The night was clearly a big success — and now virtually everyone is enjoying...
Send us your Prom Pictures!

Nicholas Anthony is sponsoring the Prom Page! Send your prom pictures to and you and your date will be highlighted in our Prom Page on Monday morning at the Send your photos via email and show off your beautiful hair style and prom dress!!
Thanks to Nicholas Anthony — and best wishes for a safe, fun 2011 Prom from all of us at...