Maxwell, Walker, Houghton win primaries

Wolf landslide seen as tempering Democratic turnout By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times A number of closely watched races from the governor down to local state legislative races thought to be competitive turned out to be blow outs Tuesday — as Downingtown Mayor Josh Maxwell won the Democratic nod for State Representative in the 74th District and Cuyler Walker won the Republican nomination for State...

Democrats step up in legislative races

GOP faces opposition in all but two races in Nov. elections By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Petition season is over, and unless there are some write-in candidates, we know who will appear on the May primary ballots. And, although I took the Democrats to task for seeming to have a shortage of candidates, they’ve managed to challenge all but two legislative races in Chester County. Yes, there shouldn’t...

Do petition numbers really matter?

As campaigns trumpet numbers, do they tell us anything? By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Well, they’re everywhere. Media announcements about the number of signatures a given candidate has gotten to get on the ballot as if it means something. For those who don’t know, political candidates must collect signatures from registered voters in their district — they must be of the same political...

Political news and notes: 2014 legislative races kicking off

Final write-in results show poor turnout, participation in 2013 By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times The political news cycle never seems to end these days, on the heels of the final write-in election results being posted Friday, we have a batch of new candidate announcements or pending announcements in 2014 state legislative races — and even, it seems — an early hint about a 2016 race. First to the...