Chris Ross talks Harrisburg and good government

By Nathaniel Smith, Columnist, The Times
Former state representative Chris Ross (R-158) recently was so kind as to spend an hour and a half talking with me about his 20 years representing a district that stretches from eastern and southern West Goshen west through the Bradfords and then south as far as London Britain and the Delaware border.
I had interviewed him before back in the fall of 2012....
The silliest of silly seasons cranks up

Playing the Walker ‘blame game’ and hijinks in the Sixth race
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
It’s just one month until election day and the gloves have come off, from dueling ads (of questionable veracity at times), protests, endorsements, temper tantrums and worst of all: the lawyers have been unleashed.
So, in other words, it’s a pretty typical October, when politics goes from...
Politicians, just like everyone else, don’t fit easily in one category

In our ‘Us Versus Them’ environment, it’s too easy to miss the human element
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Politicians, despite reports to the contrary, are human beings.
With all of the invective being thrown around, it can be easy to forget, of course. As humans, we like to put things and people into boxes. But people being people, they are always more complicated.
A couple...
School board seeking a middle ground

Moderation, common sense seems to be ruling the day; spring cleaning needed in Harrisburg
By Mike McGann, Editor,
Monday night’s Board of Education budget hearing was both encouraging and discouraging.
I was encouraged by the comments, in general, from members of the Board of Education who seem to be more willing to find a sensible middle ground in terms of balancing tax increases...
Letters: Gov. closed down capitol to public

To The Editor:
“A sign on the stairs announced restricted access to Corbett’s office and the offices of Democratic and Republican State House members… …Lawmakers, legislative staffers, executive branch employees, lobbyists (emphasis added) and journalists are among those issued the cards.”
“Restricting public access to the Capitol during rallies is part of a new policy by the Corbett Administration.”
Letter: Time to end taxpayer funded green job madness

The The Editor:
Just when you thought big Government over-reach in Pennsylvania would end with the Republicans at the helm in Harrisburg…think again. Special interest pay-to-play politics is alive and well and still the rule of the day.
With unproven man-made global warming opinion science as its foundation and campaign cash laden environmental lobbyists roaming the halls of our Capitol, the...
Ignoring the will of the voters won’t end well for GOP