Gun violence is spiking because, frankly, we just don’t care

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
The texts from my daughter happen every few days: “There was a shooting. I’m safe.” She — like her twin brother — is a senior at Temple University.
The two of them live about 10 blocks apart in North Philly, but gunfire has become a pretty regular event for both, distressingly. Obviously, it scares the hell of out of me, but both are where they...
Op/Ed: The time for gun safety reform is now

By Tim Kearney, State Sen., 26th District
Tim Kearney
This area is riling. Our country is in crisis. The culprit. Gun Violence.
Far too many lives have been lost, communities shattered, and families forever changed because of gun violence. This is not just an inner-city problem or urban issue. Our country is being assaulted on two fronts—the COVID-19 pandemic AND the epidemic of gun violence.
Lock It For Love campaign launched

COATESVILLE — On a weekend when love is in the air, the Chester County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) and Coatesville Center for Community Health (CCCH) are launching a campaign about the care and protection of children.
CCSO’s and CCCH’s Lock it for Love initiative sends the message: lock your guns. Free gun locks (while supplies last) are available for pick up at the CCSO’s main desk in the Justice...
Op/Ed: Candles and balloons
By Donna Bullock, State Representative, 195th District
State Rep. Donna Bullock
My older son celebrated his 13th birthday in January. We shared this moment virtually with family and friends. As I decorated his backdrop with balloons and he blew out candles on a cake, it hit me.
Something so innocent and joyful has been redefined by the growing number of gun deaths. A week before, a 9-year-old girl...
Letter: Hopes State House backs Killion’s SB501 law to save lives from abusers
To The Editor,
I would like to thank the Pennsylvania House of Representative’s Judiciary Committee for its recent six days of hearings on gun laws and gun violence prevention. I had the opportunity to attend three of these hearings, and I learned a lot.
I would also like to thank the Pennsylvania Senate for unanimously passing Senator Killion’s bill, SB501. This bill closes loopholes within our...
Op/Ed: Young people marched on gun safety, we must listen

By Tom Wolf, Governor, Pennsylvania
Gov. Tom Wolf
Young people marched for their lives. We need to listen – and act.
The March for Our Lives brought together young people from across the country and Pennsylvania to demand safer schools and stronger gun safety laws. Their passion and activism took many forms in an historic show of solidarity, and they have inspired millions to join them in their mission.
Unionville High School observes peaceful walkout for gun safety

By Janet McGann, Special to The Times
Unionville student Eva Shepard, a senior, hold us a protest sign during Wednesday’s Walkout. Janet McGann photo.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — On Wednesday morning about 300 students from Unionville High School joined thousands of their fellow students around the nation, and were allowed to peacefully protest gun laws and to remember the victims of gun violence.
Op/Ed: Pennsylvania needs sensible gun laws

By Anton Andrew
, Candidate for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 160th District
Anton Andrew
I cannot imagine the grief of those whose children and loved ones were killed at Parkland High School. I express my sincere condolences for their losses. But with this type of tragedy, repeated so many times across our country, we must ask ourselves, “What can we do as a nation to move forward?”...
Where will you be Friday afternoon?