Dinniman denounces Corbett budget education cuts

State Sen. Andrew Dinniman
HARRISBURG – State Senator Andy Dinniman decried the proposed slashing of state funds for higher education at a rally this on the Capitol steps attended by hundreds of students from West Chester University and Pennsylvania’s 13 other state universities.
Dinniman, (D-19, who represents Newlin and West Marlborough in the Unionville area) said the governor’s proposal to...
Arc of Pennsylvania names Dinniman legislator of the year

State Sen. Andrew Dinniman (D-19).
HARRISBURG — The Arc of Pennsylvania has selected state Senator Andrew E. Dinniman as its 2012 “Legislator of the Year” recipient. The Arc of Pennsylvania honors a legislator annually who has demonstrated leadership to address the needs of Pennsylvanians with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
In 2011, Sen. Dinniman, who represents...
Hello 2012, welcome to the deep stuff

Hijinks in the 19th Senate District kick off election season, more silliness likely ahead
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the Internet, we’re back with the first Coup De ‘Ville of 2012.
Although probably not as exciting as Googling “Santorum” — and no, you really, really don’t want to do that — it’s good to be back in the saddle...
Dinniman Announces Funds for Chester, Montgomery County Technology Companies

Ben Franklin Technology Partners Approve $400,000 for Two Early-Stage Companies
State Sen. Andy Dinniman
WEST CHESTER – State Senator Andy Dinniman recently announced that two early stage technology companies in Chester and Montgomery Counties will receive more than $400,000 in investments through the Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern Pennsylvania.
“Investing in emerging Pennsylvania...
Dinniman to hold rally for education, April 27

State Sen. Andrew Dinniman
WEST CHESTER – State Senator Andy Dinniman announced today that he will hold a rally for residents opposed to Governor Corbett’s proposed budget cuts to education on Wednesday, April 27 at 7 p.m. on the steps of the Chester County Courthouse (corner of High and Market Streets) in West Chester.
Please take note: the date for the Rally for Education has been changed to...
Dinniman suggests entreprenuers seek free business counseling

State Sen. Andrew Dinniman with volunteers from SCORE Chester County on the Senate floor during a recent visit to the State Capitol in Harrisburg. Pictured (from left to right) Barbara Forslund, Chief Operating Office of Advanced Geo Services, Senator Dinniman, Bob Wingerter, chairman of the Chester County SCORE Chapter, and David Paxton, Vice Chairman of the Chester County SCORE Chapter.
Dinniman pushes to strike the ‘R-Word’

State Sen. Andy Dinniman
HARRISBURG – State Senator Andy Dinniman said his initiative to strike the phrase “mental retardation” from state statutes and state use is gathering steam throughout the Commonwealth after a Wednesday press conference that recounted all the new and different initiatives with that common goal.
On Wednesday, state Rep. Jake Wheatley (D-Allegheny) discussed his House Bill...
Dinniman to speak at Lyme film showing, April 18

State Sen. Andrew Dinniman (D-19)
WEST CHESTER – State Senator Andy Dinniman and the Pennsylvania Lyme Disease Awareness Committee will host a screening of “Under Our Skin”, an award-winning documentary about the challenges facing patients with Lyme disease and the doctors struggling to treat them.
The screening is set for Monday, April 18, at 7 p.m. at West Chester University’s Sykes Student...
Dinniman announces repairs planned for Newlin’s Doe Run bridge, six others

State Sen. Andy Dinniman (D-19)
WEST CHESTER – State Senator Andy Dinniman announced today that seven bridges in Chester County are scheduled for repair and rehabilitation this spring.
“Keeping our bridges strong and sound is not only a matter of public safety, it’s also vital to the success of our transportation system and the growth of our economy,” Dinniman said. “I support investing in...