Unionville’s All-State runner McIntyre set to blaze new path at St. Joseph’s U

Ethan McIntyreUnionville High School Track and X-Country runner Ethan McIntyre has been awarded a full four-year scholarship (athletic and academic) to attend Saint Joseph’s University this fall.
McIntyre won the Ches-Mont League Championship in the 1600m (mile) this past Saturday and will represent Unionville at the District One Championship meet this month.
With finance as his major,...
More than 100 run in 12th annual KAPRB cross country race

With perfect weather, more than 100 area kids competed in the 12th annual Cross Country race put on by the Kennett Area Parks and Recreation Board.
KENNETT — The 12th Annual Free kids cross country race took place on last Thursday night in spectacular weather. The course was lined with parents, volunteers from Kennett High School cross country team and Kennett Area Parks and Recreation Board...
Unionville, Downingtown West win Ches Mont X-Country titles

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Unionville High has been the site of the Ches-Mont League Cross Country Championships for the last two years and both times the host Indians have refused to let any team leave with the team trophy for the girls’ meet.
On Monday, Unionville, the defending District 1 Class AAA champion, took the team title at the Ches-Mont Championships...
More than 100 kids enjoy KAPRB’s Cross Country Run

By Hannah Christopher, Running Editor, The Times
More than 100 kids participated in the Kennett Area Parks and Recreation Board’s annual Kids Cross Country Run last week. Pictured here is the overall winner Davis Piercy from Kennett Square.
KENNETT — The 11th annual KAPRB Kid’s Cross Country run for 14 and under children was held last Thursday night on a picturesque evening at Anson...
UHS girls cross country heads to nationals

Indians will go to Portland to seek National Championship
Unionville’s Courtney Smith breaks the tape to win the individual championship at the Nike NXN Cross Northeast Championships, Saturday. Smith and her teammates also won the team championship and will head to Portland to compete for the national title, Saturday.
The top-ranked Unionville High School girls cross country team proved itself...
Smith, UHS girls grab Ches-Mont cross country title

Perfect weather, challenging course for local runners
By Hannah Christopher, Running Editor, The Times
Runners enjoy the beauty of the Willowdale Steeplechase course — used for part of Friday’s Ches Mont Cross Country championships — with the Unionville High School girls winning the girls’ team title and West Chester Henderson winning the boys’ title.
UHS runners top US No. 1 team

Indians’ girls run past nation’s top-ranked cross country team
By Hannah Christopher, Running Editor, The Times
Unionville High School Kacie Breeding leads her teammates to a team win in the McQuade Invitational, this past weekend, where the Indians bested what had been the top girls’ cross country team in the nation, Fayetville-Marlius.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — There is a perfect storm...
Smith named Gatorade Pa. Cross Country runner of the year

Unionville High School junior cross country star Courtney Smith was named Gatorade’s 2012 cross country runner of the year for Pennsylvania, Thursday.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Unionville star cross country runner Courtney Smith was named the Gatorade Pennsylvania Girls Cross Country Runner of the Year, the company announced Thursday.
This is Gatorade’s 28th year of honoring the nation’s...
Unionville uses pack to stand out at XCountry states

Runners drop back, work as team to take second in state; Smith takes fourth overall
By Dave Conard, Correspondent, UnionvilleTimes.com
The Unionville High School girls' cross country team took second in the state championships, Saturday at Hershey.
HERSHEY — It’s hard to believe that Unionville cross country coach Mark Lacianca is not a huge NASCAR fan or has never watched a race from Talladega...
Class Act: Henderson awards CC title to Unionville

True act of sportsmanship, great performances highlight Girls X-Country District 1 meet at Lehigh
By Dave Conard, Correspondent, UnionvilleTimes.com
The Unionville girls' cross country team took second at the combined AAA/AAAA District 1 meet at Lehigh — but because of a quirk of the scoring rules, were placed behind West Chester Henderson for the AAA title (overall winner Pennsbury won the AAAA...