Nobody asked me, but…

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
To be clear, the small number of misguided souls who call themselves Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and the like should have no serious place in our public discourse (I’ll make the same argument for anyone, left, right, middle or otherwise who would use violence or intimidation to further their political aims).
And aside from the small group of vocal, angry folks...
Social media mayhem: can we learn to agree to disagree?

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
The inauguration is only a few days away and the chatter on social media is beginning to escalate. I guess it’s no wonder considering the President-Elect is “somewhat” of a Twitter fan. If history is our guide, we should be prepared to be inundated with a flood of online opinions come Friday.
I’ll admit, I was shocked by the back and forth on Facebook...
Letter from the editor: A comment on comments

A few changes to our commenting system debut
By Mike McGann,
You may have noticed a few changes here at The Times over the past few months, from a new mobile and tablet-friendly design to this weekend’s evolution to a new commenting system — faced on the Facebook platform.
Like many other publishers, large and small, we’ve wrestled with the balance between both having a true back and forth...
Letter: Responding to comments

To The Editor,
I have reviewed numerous replies to submissions I have made to The Times. I believe that I must respond to some of the comments. First my family and I moved into Pocopson Township in 1957. I have lived here ever since. My education consisted of two years of parochial school in Wilmington, followed by four years in the Unionville School (it was a 1-12 facility at the time), followed by...
Today, we are all an imaginary cow