Hopkins snags top spot in Javelin, gets ready for SHIP!

Unionville boys making a STATE-ment of their own
By Dave Conard SportsEditor, UnionvilleTimes.com
Unionville 800-meter runner Steve Pannacone won his event on Saturday
COATESVILLE—On Saturday at Red Raiders Stadium, there was what seemed like an endless parade to the medal stand, for the boys and girls clad in the blue and gold of the Indians.
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Indians Hopkins snags top ten finish in javelin at 118th Penn Relays

Unionville senior makes his mark with the nation’s elite athletes By Dave Conard Sports Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
Unionville senior Perry Hopkins finished ninth over all in javelin at the Penn Relays
PHILADELPHIA—The Penn Relays for a lot of high school athletes, marks the end of a track career and writes the final chapter, good or bad, for hundreds of students every year from across...