Fa Shears to offer free kid hair cuts, Aug. 22

KENNETT SQUARE — Fa Shears By Aimee will be offering free haircuts to students aged 5 to 12 on Thursday, Aug. 22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. to celebrate back to school.
Fa Shears is located at 619 East Cypress Street, Kennett Square.
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Back to School: Patton MS gets extreme makeover

Staff puts final touches on school building in preparation for first day of school
By Suzanne Misciagna, Staff Writer, The Times
The completed renovated basketball court behind Charles F. Patton Middle School in Unionville is just of many projects undertaken — often with community group, PTO, student and parent assistance and support — to update and improve the school this summer.
Back to school then and now

The thrill is gone at the start of the year with older kids, now
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
BACK TO SCHOOL: THEN (meaning 5 years ago) vs. NOW
Brand new backpack (ordered WEEKS in advance) with coordinating lunchbox (and superhero thermos) containing things like carrot sticks, goldfish crackers and a love note from Mommy!
Backpack from last year (ripped and tattered. Who...
Taking a bite out of ‘Back to School’

A handful of tips to make it easier to get your child dentally ready for the school year
By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times
It’s the beginning of August and signs proclaiming back to school have been popping up everywhere. As a mom, I approach the upcoming start of school with a mixture of enthusiasm and trepidation. As a dentist I can offer a few tidbits to make the start...
School’s open: dress them well

A few simple pointers for your students returning to the classroom
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
This school year is a momentous one in our household! We have one son going into the middle school and one going into the high school. BIG changes. BIG responsibility.
Thankfully for my children, we send them off in the morning to be educated by professionals. Heaven knows, if left...
Move to remove WCASD board members is an attack on democracy