Kennett Area Parks and Rec announces 2013 schedule

KENNETT — The Kennett Area Parks and Recreation Board has listed its activities and facility availabilities for its 2013 schedule.
KAPRB High School OPEN GYM. KAPRB will have a two hour open gym for students in grades 9 -12 at the KHS Auxiliary Gym on Monday nights in January and February. This program is FREE to any high school student who would like to attend. Students should bring a student...
Op/Ed: Chester County’s priorities for 2013

There are challenges ahead, but a collaborative county government works to the benefit of all
By Ryan Costello, Chester County Commissioner
Chester County Commissioner Ryan Costello.
The recent political landscape has, understandably, left many less than favorably impressed.
I believe your Chester County government, however, has proven to be an excellent example of collaborative, productive government...
It is good to be green in 2013

It’s not about the environment, but the color: emerald is hot this year
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
ATTENTION: Emerald Green is the official “Color of the Year” according to the experts at Pantone, LLC. And, apparently, they are the (self-proclaimed) authorities on this issue.
Hey, I’m not going to argue. I happen to agree that it is a pretty fantastic shade that looks...