Township officials say too much ground was paved behind shopping center; township begins fall leaf pickup
By Kelli Siehl, Staff Writer,

The area behind the Lenape Village Shoppes was recently paved, but township officials say too much of the property was covered.
POCOPSON — The owner of the Lenape Village Shoppes was cited for a zoning violation by VanDemark and Lynch Engineering. Supervisors’ Chair, Steve Conary, reported that the property owner, Brandywine Vista, LLC, paved too large of an area stated to be used as a loading area. Conary said Brandywine Vista, LLC, is expected to file a zoning hearing board appeal.
Supervisor, Lauressa McNemar inquired as to what recourse the township has when “someone just goes against the rules?” Conary explained that the owner has 30 days to comply or file for a zoning hearing board request, “if he doesn’t comply, the township could cite him” and the case may end up being a court action. Conary continued, “Once he files the request, then the planning commission and board of supervisors must each send a recommendation to the Zoning Hearing Board, but that’s it, we can recommend but we can’t control.”
McNemar asked if there is any way to limit the use of the lot so the property owner could not claim the area as existing parking. Conary said they would look into zoning regulations for commercial parking in the township but added that the owner of the property created the problem himself, “strings were placed and he was informed not to surpass the boundary and he did it anyway.”
Over the telephone, Brandywine Vista representative, Armand Coppotelli, stated that he has already filed the appeal and the meeting is scheduled for next week. He added that he would hold any comments until after the zoning meeting takes place.
The issues over paving come just six months after the largest tenant at the complex, Lenape Pizza was denied on a request by the township to transfer in a “Type E” liquor license to the business to allow sale of beer and wine. Paving the rear area of the shopping center was discussed at that time as an option to increase the amount of customer parking — by moving employee parking to the rear. The Board of Supervisors denied the application, citing concerns about whether the building could meet the seating requirements and parking requirements.
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The township’s Director of Public Works, Mark Knightly, reported at this week’s Supervisors meeting that curb side leaf pick-up began on 11/7 and will continue each Monday throughout November.
According to the township website, leaves should be packed in paper bags and placed at the curbside Monday morning by 7am.
In addition, falling leaves, especially after heavy rain and wind, lead to blocked storm drains. Township residents should be on the lookout for clogged storm drains along roadways and are asked to report them to the Public Works Department at 610-793-2387 or The township invites residents to clean out their neighborhood drains but cautions – only if they can do so safely.
Along with fall leaf clean-up comes general clean-up of branches and other materials. Ordinance 4 of 2008 states “except for recreational fires, it is unlawful to burn anything outdoors in the township except during daylight hours.”
Storm clean-up, including branch burning, is permitted under specific requirements and all controlled burns have to be reported, before and after, to the Chester County Fire Marshall dispatch line. The burning of leaves, municipal waste (household trash or discarded materials), household hazardous waste, construction/demolition debris, rubber, junked cars, human and/or animal waste or recyclables which include paper and cardboard products and packaging is strictly prohibited in the township. If unsure, residents should check the township website,, for more information regarding open burning.
Knightly also stated that in the coming weeks, Public Works will be installing snow stakes along the edges of roadways. The stakes act as a guide for snow plows and he urged residents “to leave (the stakes) in place until we remove them in the spring.”